How to update IP pointed by a domain?

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running:
How are you able to access your server: SSH

Describe your issue

Hello there!

I’ve got a snapshot of a yunohost instance. I’ve spawned it, server works fine and all. I go on the web ui by going directly to its IP. Its domain is For now, domain doesn’t work as IP changed meanwhile.

I wanted to try if I understand how dyndns recovery password work.

I ssh’ed into the server and tried sudo yunohost domain dyndns unsubscribe -p xxxxxxx
It seems to work and I get a success message.

Then I try sudo yunohost domain dyndns subscribe
It asks me to configure a recovery password and then I get a success message.

From now, if my understanding of this command is correct. should point to the ip of the new server. But when I try dig a +short I get

I also tried sudo yunohost dyndns update but all I get is Info: No updated needed.

I then tried sudo yunohost dyndns update --force and here I get someting:

Error: The peer didn't know the key we used
Info: The operation 'Update the IP associated with your YunoHost subdomain ''' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share' to get help

And here the log.

What is it I’m missing ?

I looked into the manual of that command but couldn’t find much info I’m afraid.

Thanks a lot for your precious help.

Works fine for me, I end up on your portal login form. DNS propagation can take some time, and it is normal for your local DNS resolver to answer Though you may have encountered a (hopefully) temporary service disruption.


In deed, thanks!