How to setup propoertly php params (post_max_size etc)


i have 5-7 wordpress apps running on my yunohost.
i need to configure some advanced php parameters to make my 1 particular wordpress faster.

i was suggested by wp support to setup following values…

post_max_size 128M
max_execution_time 180
upload_max_filesize 256M
max_input_time 600
max_input_vars 5000

  1. i am hesitation would be the best place to place the values ?

  2. are those parameters shared across all php apps or it is possible to have settings per app.

i remember i have noticed in past that there were issue in which the value memory_limit was reset after each new installation of new wordpess app.

my previous experience was that if you have 20-wordpress__2.ini and then you install 20-wordpress__3.ini your value defined in 20-wordpress__2.ini is overrided/

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