How to setup a nostr relay on yunohost

Hello, I just watched this video, and would like to setup my own nostr relay on my yunohost:

But I have no idea where to start, if someone could help me I would be very thankful.

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After a very short Duckduckgoing session:

Should I run my own relay?, which blatantly says they have no documentation on it, though linking to Set up a Nostr Relay server in under 5 minutes, which refers to GitHub - Cameri/nostream: A Nostr Relay written in TypeScript

Basically you can follow the Docker setup for that, but don’t do anything regarding services and NGINX. Tweak the internal server port to an unused port, do not open it in the firewall, and reverse proxy it with a Redirect app from YunoHost, in public proxy mode, towards<the_port>

I lack some knowledge to do it yet.

I think using GitHub - vdo/nostr-rs-relay-compose: Docker compose deployment for nostr would be the simplest way (IMO). But this means you don’t mutualise services as yunohost does normally and don’t have backups etc (but do you need them for a relay?)

Does yunohost uses docker? Or do I have to install it?

You need to install it by yourself.

That’s what I thought as yunohost is baremetal, right?

No, no need for backup of a relay