How to manually configure DNS records?

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.7
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform specific tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?: no

Describe your issue

The first is different urls for DNS config in docs (DNS zone configuration | Yunohost Documentation) and in Webadmin (DNS zone configuration | Yunohost Documentation)
In docs there are command for manual config yunohost domain dns-conf your.domain.tld But in command line key dns-conf doesn’t exist. In command line available only two different keys dns and config.
I tried run commands sudo yunohost domain dns suggest my.domain and sudo yunohost domain dns push -d my.domain and i’ve got an error:
Error: The automatic DNS configuration feature is not applicable to domain You should manually configure your DNS records following the documentation at
So i still no have idea how to manually configure DNS records in ynh 12.0.7.

I use my own domain name from

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If you’re using your own domain name (e.g. bought via a registrar), you should manually configure your domain on your registrar’s interface.

You probably obtain or bought your “.place” domain somewhere, which we call the registrar, and they should provide you with some way to configure the DNS, typically on a web interface

Thanks, i’ve got it now.
But there are still problem:
registrar doesn’t accept DNS records with ; between " "
it calls an error:

ERROR!! Checking on the DNS Zone has failed. DNS system has failed to load the domain zone file.
Unbalanced quotes.

Because ; used for comments.
But ynh requre such records:
if i save record without quotes _dmarc 3600 IN TXT v=DMARC1; p=none, i got error in ynh diagnostics:

  • The following DNS record does not seem to follow the recommended configuration:
    Type: TXT
    Name: _dmarc
    Current value: "v=DMARC1"
    Expected value: "v=DMARC1; p=none"

You sure it’s because of the ; and not because you forgot or added a quote ?

Having ; inside TXT record is just … plain standard stuff

Maybe it’s because the registrar uses a zone file ?

Error !!
Whatever changes you made has resulted in errors in the DNS zone file. The DNS has been roll back to its original good settings.
ERROR!! Checking on the DNS Zone has failed. DNS system has failed to load the domain zone file.
Please go to Edit DNS to fix the DNS.
Or you may want to try Auto Fix DNS to automatically fix the DNS.
Checking on the zone file has returned the following errors:
dns_rdata_fromtext: /tmp/ unbalanced quotes
zone loading from master file /tmp/ failed: unbalanced quotes
zone not loaded due to errors.

Maybe you can check how to set DNS records correctly on with yunohost?

Well, I finally figured out how to make entries in the registrar panel correctly. It’s a little different from the option offered by YNH.
I’ve just never encountered DNS before.

And why YNH strongly reqire any domain? Why the apps can’t be accessible via ip address?