I have bought a lime 2 server version with the ssh/hdd box, I have flashed ynh ISO for the device, but after starting it, I can never reach it via SSH.
Sorry, it’s not in english but I wrote this when I installed yunohost on my Olimex Lime 2
If it can help
Section : homeserver:olinolinux [Cyrille BIOT]
pas de problèmes, merci beaucoup mon ami!
I installed it using thid guide, thank you so much. But after configuring all I made a little mistake, the SSH config file was different from the one suggested by yunohost, and I did the command to changed it to the yunohost settings. Now I can’t access it anymore, nor via SSH nor the webadmin, but the lime2 is up and connect to my router, I can see it there also with arp-scan. Can it be solved, or I need to reflash it?
Can you access to your server directly and post your file ?
And what is the error when you try to connect on ssh ? Are you sure that you’re not banned from your server ?
I can access it, only had ssh access, no monitor and keyboard. Connection refused is the ouput when trying to access. It looks like I am banned, but not sure how it happened.
Very likely I got banned by fail2ban after mutiple tries. I think I know what happnened, changed the passwd to bigger than 100 characters and was using remmina that has some limit around 64, then after many tries, banned.
I just reflahsed and made the whole process again, btw there’s this gpg error when running the scrpit to install ynh:
The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY FDBB9F3D83BD9E70
Here’s the fix:
After setting up yunohost, my computer IP was banned by fail2ban, but this time I managed to unban before locking me out.
So the issue is solved ?
No, I try many times, all the times I get lockout of SSH by fail2ban, no sure why. Everything works perfectly except for that.
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