first, check that 4533 is opened in your ISP router
I have installed Navidrome and it works perfectly with an internet navigator.
have you tried setting port in the URL? https://navidrome.domain.tld:4533
what URL are you using with your browser to access Navidrome? do you need to set port?
Have you tried to also access Navidrome from your mobile device browser? If so, and does not work, then may be that navidrome`s port in not accesible from outside local network
I personally use subtracks, but the client should not be an issue.
I think the 4533 is the port used by nginx to connect to navidrome but the connection outside is bind to https port normally.
What if you try to connect to https port?
Is there any way the Yunohost/Navidrome doc could be updated with some informations to help the futures poor souls like me who will try to connect Yunohost / Navidrome with Substreamer ???
As I don’t liked the double identification stages the vanilla installation setup, I went to the “application” menu of the YunoHost administration menu and I enable the “Rediriger la racine de ce domaine sur cette application” option.
I now have a single step of identification, the Navidrome one, and Substreamer is still working as a charm.