How to : Backup Yunohost server on Borgbase with Borgbackup

Hello, and thanks for your comment.

I add the command to change the borg repository parameter with yunohost command line.

You can find it at the end of the “troubleshooting” part.

I also add a part about restoring (listing was already documented).

I provide the export command, and the mount command, useful to find unique files


I am trying to restore apps and data from BorgBase. I successfully imported in Yunohost the Walabag backup created ( to BorgBase) yesterday by Borg (from my Yunohost), now showing in the backup folder in my Yunohost. However when I then try to restore it Yunohost gives me an error message:

Wallabag wallabag2 (121 MB)
Version 2.3.8~ynh3
The following apps can’t be restored because they are already installed: wallabag2

I thought Borg had backed up both the app AND the data… How can I restore the data then?

Thank you.

Edit: or does it mean I have to uninstall Wallabag first then restore the backup?

Yes, you can’t restore if the app is already install, then you must uninstall it before.

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Thanks, first time I am restoring from BorgBase, I just uninstalled Wallabag and restored the backup, it works great.


J’ai une sauvegarde sur BorgBase qui tourne sans problème depuis un moment jusqu’à ce que je lance cette commande pour lister les fichiers backups disponibles et voir si tout roulait :

BORG_RSH="ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_borg_ed25519 " borg list

Là, j’ai eu ce message :

Warning: The repository at location ssh:// was previously located at ssh://
Do you want to continue? [yN] Aborting.

J’ai pressé “Oui” et la commande s’est executé avec succès.

Par contre, depuis ça, les sauvegardes ne se font plus.
Et j’ai trouvé ça dans le fichier /var/log/backup_borg.err :

[2021-09-06_13:42:18] Warning: The repository at location ssh:// was previously located at ssh://
[2021-09-06_13:42:18] Do you want to continue? [yN] Aborting.
[2021-09-06_13:42:18] Repository access aborted
[2021-09-06_13:42:39] Warning: The repository at location ssh:// was previously located at ssh://
[2021-09-06_13:42:39] Do you want to continue? [yN] Aborting.
[2021-09-06_13:42:39] Repository access aborted
[2021-09-06_13:42:58] Warning: The repository at location ssh:// was previously located at ssh://
[2021-09-06_13:42:58] Do you want to continue? [yN] Aborting.
[2021-09-06_13:42:58] Repository access aborted
[2021-09-06_14:06:00] Warning: The repository at location ssh:// was previously located at ssh://
[2021-09-06_14:06:00] Do you want to continue? [yN] Aborting.
[2021-09-06_14:06:00] Repository access aborted
[2021-09-06_14:06:21] Warning: The repository at location ssh:// was previously located at ssh://
[2021-09-06_14:06:21] Do you want to continue? [yN] Aborting.
[2021-09-06_14:06:21] Repository access aborted

J’imagine que j’ai modifié un paramètre ou une variable, mais je ne sais pas trop comment modifier ça.

La commande :
root@box:~# yunohost app setting borg repository

me répond


Merci d’avance pour votre aide !

Je n’ai pas la solution précise à ton problème, mais j’ai la raison : dans le repo est indiqué son chemin, et en y accédant tu as changé son chemin (la question n’est pas claire, mais ça a écrit le nouveau chemin dans le repo).
Du coup, quand la sauvegarde Borg se fait, elle a le message qui la bloque et ça s’arrête.
L’idéal serait d’y accéder de la même manière exactement que l’appli borg pour que ça ré-écrive le bon chemin.
(Dans mon cas, le soucis était que la sauvegarde se faisait dans un dossier avec un lien symbolique et j’y accédait via le chemin direct)

Oui, c’est exactement ça.

J’ai cherché un peu et trouvé dans la doc borg que dans le cas d’une utilisation dans un script, ils recommandent d’utiliser la variable BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK=yes

Ce qui a pour effet de ne pas afficher le message intéractif (qui bloque la sauvegarde chez moi).

J’ai testé en rajoutant


Dans le fichier /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app

Et cela fonctionne.


Attention cependant, cette ligne risque de se faire supprimer lors de la prochaine mise à jour de borg sur YunoHost.

This change has just been included in the app by default.


Have anyone figured it out how to use Borg Backup server app and Vorta on client side?


Thank you

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In advanced, you have to choose a key and you should give this public key to the borgserver_ynh app.

Thank you for your reply.

I was able to use it between the client and server yunohost app, but still not able to use it with Vorta.
I’m using the same syntax of yunohost, probably it’s wrong.

is it right? Should I put the port also?

Thank you



Unfortunately it doesn’t work. I see on the Vorta image that I sent before that the syntax is different.

Is it working for you on Vorta?

Thank you

There is no “:” after the port.

For more info about borg repo syntax, see General — Borg - Deduplicating Archiver 1.1.17 documentation

NB: I don’t use vorta.

Oh, thank you. Unfortunately it’s not working yet, but at least it doesn’t seems like a syntax error.


Have you installed borgserver with a good ssh public key ?

Yes. I’m using just the key (xxxx) without any other information.

ssh-ed25519 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx user@pc-Ubuntu

UPDATE: I’ve opened an issue on the Vorta repository and they told me it’s related to Borg and that the error connection closed by remote it’s a known issue.

It’s a pity that is not possible to use Vorta with the yunohost borg server app because it would be very easy to use.

Thank you