Home automation installation problem and anger (no not really) about the backup restore! (part 2)

First off all @Aleks I’m not happy at all. Not to take a fight with you so please do not get me wrong here, but you have assured me that the backing up and migrate process from vm to native installation should have gone seamlessly however due to a hey lets unpack the backup on the same disk (why?!) so now its full and I cannot restore anymore, so im either forced to upgrade a 1 TB disk to a 2 TB one for the sake of restoring a backup or I YOLO it and do a manual download of the file’s and SQL DB and upload it to the new native install. Which is going to take for ever… But no the why part, why does yunohost backup restore even need to unpack the files first at a temp location? Why not just unpack them directly in to their respective locations, therefore speeding up the backup restoration by a lot, kinda how apple does it with their unix based devices :wink: take that bite out of that Apple :wink: (thats a free hint for you).

Also HA install turns this error go figure by nice means ofc. :wink:

Configuring permissions…

Configuring nginx web server…

The service homeassistant@homeassistant has correctly executed the action start.

Please wait, the service homeassistant@homeassistant is starting…

Starting the Home Assistant server…

Adding the dedicated service…

Configuring the installation…

Installing Home Assistant in a virtual environment…

/bin/bash: BASH_XTRACEFD: 7: cannot open as FILE

/bin/bash: BASH_XTRACEFD: 7: cannot open as FILE

/bin/bash: BASH_XTRACEFD: 7: cannot open as FILE

/bin/bash: BASH_XTRACEFD: 7: cannot open as FILE

Building python (may take a while)…

Installing additional dependencies…

Installing dependencies…

Creating dedicated user, rights and folders…

Looking for a free port and opening it…

Storing installation settings…

Validating installation parameters…

Installing homeassistant…

I have no answer for you, but it is not really possible to directly unpack the archive in the right place, because there is no right place.
Each app have it’s own restoration script, some need to read files (to restore a database), some need to build things (I have no idea why, but BitWarden app save all the building files in the archive), and some just move files, but in many different places.

That’s why you’ll need 3x the space :

  1. Backup archive
  2. Extracted archive
  3. Files and other once restored

That may be difficult to handle, but as YunoHost is a really complex architecture (must work for all applications), I do not think there is a better way.
(And for the backup, there are huge improvements used to avoid to have too much space used, because backup is a standard thing to do (I have a daily backup for example), but the restoration is something exceptional)

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