Hedgedoc shre notes between ynh users

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.11
What app is this about: hedgedoc

Describe your issue

unable to share my notes to other yunohost users. any config settings that i need to change?

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I guess you need to describe your problem more clearly: what are you trying to do?


  • my settings for hedgedoc are …
  • I login to hedgedoc
  • I create a note
  • I click on …

ldap login works, create a note and set it to editable. login to other ldap account should then show the note? which it doesnt…

This is not the way I understood hedgedoc works. To share the note between different users you need to share its url. I’m not sure whether it’d be advisable to use the publish button to do so.

You need to set access rights (upper right corner to your likings):

tried editable and freely. id like to share all of my notes with all users. the publish button gives me some kind of static link i guess to the note. i read something bout collaborative markdown note edit feature. so i would guess shared, ie. editable or freely should show the note in the other users note list?

also tried the config panel, setting “allow anonymous usage / edits”


“Shared” in this context means that multiple authors are able to edit the document at the same time. It does not mean that you automatically share the information about the documents location or existence.

You need to publish or share the information about a document elsewhere.

so i would need to notify other users of those published links? mhh

sounds like a wiki makes more sense then for me…

Yes and no: from my working experience I can tell you that we use etherpad (similar product) for what you want to achieve.

The link to an index document maintained by someone exclusively is published on some internal page.

The index document contains links to documents we use in our workgroup. Those documents are either maintained by single users or by the whole team.

In the end this is like a wiki which the workgroup also uses: static information that is seldomly edited exists in the wiki.

Documents often edited by various people and during meetings very well by multiple authors at the same time live in etherpad/hedgedoc.

ok, nice. thanks for the information!! got more static information bout a specific topic. ill have a look at wikis.