At work, i’m trying to visualize a Grist Databse (a .grist
file located in /home/ SQLite 3) with Metabase. I’ve put the metabase user in the grist group so it gains access to this directory but Metabase still fails to connect to this database with an access denied error… Any suggestion ?
What’s the output of sudo -u metabase ls -la /home/
Shouldnt it be readable by users in the grist
group ?
total 7668
drwxr-xr-x 2 grist grist 4096 Sep 11 16:12 .
drwxr-x--- 3 grist grist 4096 Sep 11 16:15 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 grist grist 167936 Sep 9 10:02 8G5pXwLRDX6a6yS1VqXFdp.grist
-rw-r--r-- 1 grist grist 233472 Sep 6 09:39 dPvPGWSSHMSYRWfHP2jhyK.grist
-rw-r--r-- 1 grist grist 7438336 Sep 11 16:12 jbUM4xxna2uYPm8eu9M3zk.grist
This message is not right, see below.
It should, but maybe Metabase is expecting to have write permission too. Can you check its documentation or try adding the write permission?
Changed file permissions from 644 to 664 and it did not change the denied access… Plus i could not find anything in the grist docs that mentioned specific permission requirements.
Sorry i misread the command line you gave me so the output is wrong, here is the real deal :
sudo -u metabase ls -la /home/
ls: cannot access '/home/': Permission denied
ls: cannot access '/home/': Permission denied
ls: cannot access '/home/': Permission denied
ls: cannot access '/home/': Permission denied
ls: cannot access '/home/': Permission denied
ls: cannot access '/home/': Permission denied
total 0
d????????? ? ? ? ? ? .
d????????? ? ? ? ? ? ..
-????????? ? ? ? ? ? 8G5pXwLRDX6a6yS1VqXFdp.grist
-????????? ? ? ? ? ? dPvPGWSSHMSYRWfHP2jhyK.grist
-????????? ? ? ? ? ? jbUM4xxna2uYPm8eu9M3zk.grist
-????????? ? ? ? ? ? nu9tGMXKkmH7SHtAZ6Cvpx.grist
So yeah, it cannot access anything.