[Grav] Flat-file CMS package

Good to know it worked! Yes, there is something afoot between this particular package and the webadmin, but I have not found what yet.

New version released!

  • Upgrade to v1.7.15
  • New PR and issue templates
  • Also add a script for updating the source.
  • Use of README generator

New version released!

  • Upgrade to v1.7.17
  • NGINX: Some cache headers improvements
  • NGINX: Tweak config to avoid any unsightly ā€œ?q=ā€ at the end of URLs
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New version released!

  • :arrow_heading_up: Upgrade to v1.7.21
  • :bug: Future installs should not fail at the plugin installation step whenever a newer version of Grav exists (forcing maintainers to rush a new releaseā€¦)
  • :electric_plug: LDAP plugin is now downloaded like any source during the YunoHost install, not relying on Gravā€™s command line tool.

Hi, thanks for that great app !

Iā€™ve tried to setup a private podcast with the podcast plugin. It works great except for an annoying max upload size error :

Iā€™ve looked everywhere in the settings including nginx config, php config, form plugin config, general grav configā€¦ I donā€™t know if itā€™s related to Grav or Yunohostā€¦

Do you have any idea on how to solve that issue ?
Thanks !

Try adding this:

# nano /etc/php/7.3/fpm/pool.d/grav.conf

php_admin_value[upload_max_filesize] =100M
php_admin_value[post_max_size] =100M

systemctl reload php7.3-fpm


Well done, thanks !

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I discover today something strange with grav, I have 2 grav installed before yunohost v11* and in the accounts settings, there in a user admin. Also My account, a yunohost user, not have profil and is not listed in the accounts !!
In one grav app I have add my account with my user and give him all the rights and also delete the admin account.
Is it not recommended ?
On the other grav I keep all by default, waiting for an answer beforeā€¦

Ok, I donā€™t have understand all, but I put back the user /var/www/grav/user/accounts/admin.yaml which is a blank file, and when connecting with my yunohost user, I am not the user createdā€¦ very strange, the LDAP users are not listed in users ?

The configuration for LDAP is here.

Basically, YunoHost users logging in Grav are not stored in Gravā€™s file-based database. They are always checked against the LDAP database before logging in. Give YunoHost users their admin rights with the appropriate permission in YunoHostā€™s webadmin.

The empty admin.yaml file is necessary, otherwise Gravā€™s webadmin will prompt anyone to create a ā€œfirstā€ admin user.

Ok, thanks pour les Ć©claircissements.