Google flags my sites as dangerous (Deceptive site ahead)

As another update, I have done the following and now have 7 companies in total marking my domain as “phishing” or “malicious”.

  1. Modified the blue “Please sign in to see this content” box that appears above my server’s SSO login fields, so that the text says, “This is a private server for a family’s own use. We aren’t phishing anyone.”
    For anyone else who wants to do this, edit the file /usr/share/ssowat/portal/locales/en.json (or if your locale is French: fr.json), and look for the line that begins with "please_login:".
    For example: "please_login": "Here is some sample text",
    Keep the quotation marks and the comma on the end. Save & exit.
    Check that nginx is still OK by running: sudo nginx -t
    Then either reboot your server (sudo reboot now) or restart nginx (sudo systemctl reload nginx)

  2. Followed the instructions here to add robots.txt to the root of the domain.

Strangely VirusTotal gives different results if you type https:// on the front of the URL. It also has results for subdomains I no longer have.