[Gogs webhost] Turn a gogs repository to static web hosting

Hi !

I packaged an app that take a existing Gogs repository and serve a directory of static file on the web.
This is very similar to what Github offer on https://pages.github.com/

The website will be automatically updated on each commit.

Yunohost integration

  • Need Gogs package installed
  • Multi instance to host many repo
  • Backup/restore are tested


/!\ please read the README file /!\

sudo yunohost app install -l YourSite https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/gogs_webhost_ynh


sudo yunohost app upgrade -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/gogs_webhost_ynh gogswebhost

Hello @tostaki,

This is a very usefull app and process to work with, thanks a lot for your work!

I was wondering, is there a way to somehow set the app to be the root of a yunohost instance ?

I’ve tried to set / as the URL but the installation did not complete. I assume that there could be conflict with apps using the same URL but I figured it was up to the administrator to ensure that this does not happen. Is it something technically possible ?

Looking forward to your answer, I’m available to try out anything that can help figure this out :slight_smile: