First off, thank you for reading and for any assistance you may be able to provide!
My YunoHost server
Hardware: Old laptop or computer
YunoHost version: 11.2.12 (stable)
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access via keyboard / screen
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : yes, I attempt to modify .en.production in /var/www/glitchsoc with the DeepL api
If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: Glitchsoc 2024.03.20~ynh1
Description of my issue
I attempted to connect my glitchsoc instance by adding the following to /var/www/glitchsoc/.env.production
In order to navigate to and alter that config file, I changed ownership of the folder by running:
chown -R cthululemon /var/www/glitchsoc/
Permissions in that folder are now:
drwxr-x--- 5 cthululemon www-data 4.0K May 17 23:03 ./
drwxr-xrwx+ 10 cthululemon root 4.0K May 22 19:27 ../
drwxr-xr-x 3 cthululemon glitchsoc 4.0K May 17 23:02 .bundle/
drwxr-xr-x 3 cthululemon glitchsoc 4.0K May 17 23:03 .cache/
drwxrwx--- 21 cthululemon www-data 4.0K May 24 21:23 live/
-rw-rw-rw- 1 cthululemon root 6 May 17 23:02 .ruby-version
Followed by restarting what I thought to be the relevant services:
systemctl restart glitchsoc-web.service
systemctl restart glitchsoc-sidekiq.service
systemctl restart glitchsoc-streaming.service
But now Iām getting these errors and the instance is inaccessible:
sudo systemctl status glitchsoc*
ā glitchsoc-sidekiq.service - glitchsoc-sidekiq
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/glitchsoc-sidekiq.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2024-05-24 21:42:19 PDT; 1h 19min ago
Process: 1574 ExecStart=/opt/rbenv/versions/glitchsoc/bin/bundle exec sidekiq -c 25 (code=exited, status=200/CHDIR)
Main PID: 1574 (code=exited, status=200/CHDIR)
CPU: 5ms
May 24 21:42:19 systemd[1]: glitchsoc-sidekiq.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
May 24 21:42:19 systemd[1]: Stopped glitchsoc-sidekiq.
May 24 21:42:19 systemd[1]: glitchsoc-sidekiq.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
May 24 21:42:19 systemd[1]: glitchsoc-sidekiq.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 24 21:42:19 systemd[1]: Failed to start glitchsoc-sidekiq.
ā glitchsoc-web.service - glitchsoc-web
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/glitchsoc-web.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2024-05-24 21:46:00 PDT; 1h 16min ago
Process: 2262 ExecStart=/opt/rbenv/versions/glitchsoc/bin/bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb (code=exited, status=200/CH>
Main PID: 2262 (code=exited, status=200/CHDIR)
CPU: 15ms
May 24 21:46:00 systemd[1]: glitchsoc-web.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
May 24 21:46:00 systemd[1]: Stopped glitchsoc-web.
May 24 21:46:00 systemd[1]: glitchsoc-web.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
May 24 21:46:00 systemd[1]: glitchsoc-web.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 24 21:46:00 systemd[1]: Failed to start glitchsoc-web.
ā glitchsoc-streaming.service - glitchsoc-streaming
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/glitchsoc-streaming.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2024-05-24 21:42:19 PDT; 1h 19min ago
Process: 1647 ExecStart=/opt/node_n/n/versions/node/20/bin/node ./streaming (code=exited, status=200/CHDIR)
Main PID: 1647 (code=exited, status=200/CHDIR)
CPU: 18ms
May 24 21:42:19 systemd[1]: glitchsoc-streaming.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=200/CHDIR
May 24 21:42:19 systemd[1]: glitchsoc-streaming.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 24 21:42:19 systemd[1]: glitchsoc-streaming.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
May 24 21:42:19 systemd[1]: Stopped glitchsoc-streaming.
May 24 21:42:19 systemd[1]: glitchsoc-streaming.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
May 24 21:42:19 systemd[1]: glitchsoc-streaming.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 24 21:42:19 systemd[1]: Failed to start glitchsoc-streaming.