My YunoHost server
Hardware: VirtualBox VM running on Intel iMac - The VM is assigned two CPU cores and 8GB of RAM.
YunoHost version: (stable)
I have access to my server : Through SSH and through web admin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : No
**If yes, please explain: n/a
If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: GitLab 16.11
Description of my issue
For the last three or four weeks, I’ve been unable to upgrade Yunohost (standard maintenance upgrades I do every week) without breaking GitLab. The problem started with a failed GitLab upgrade where the system timed out after twenty minutes of the following message:
Info: Wait for the migration in the background to finish
I’ve rolled back to a backup ever since because I need GitLab to keep working. Today I ran the standard CLI YunoHost commands, namely:
sudo yunohost tools update
sudo yunohost tools upgrade system
sudo yunohost tools upgrade apps
For the last couple of weeks, GitLab hasn’t thrown any errors or messages, but the result is the same: After the upgrade, GitLab no longer works. Instead, when you try to go to it in the browser, you wind up on the YunoHost page where you can select which application you’d like to use. It’s immediately redirected with no messages appearing in the browser.
I’ve got it working again by rolling back to last week’s system, but last week’s system is actually the system I was using two or three weeks ago, so it’s missing the latest system and app updates and upgrades. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?
Thank you!