[ GitLab ] - Fresh Install, no Admin Area

Hi Gitlab on YNH users,

My YunoHost server

Hardware: Proxmox Debian 11 VM.
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server : Yes, all methods
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
gitlab Version : 16.11.1-ynh1
Acces URL : Dedicated sub YNH domain with a path and let’s encrypt SSLed

Description of my issue

I just install Gitlab on my YNH at home and i can login in it, but i can’t see the Gitlab “Admin Area” anywhere.
Everything appends like if i’m a standard user, but without any possibility to access/activate the “Admin Area”.

What i’ve tried :

  • I created and used a dedicated ynh ldap admin gitlab user.
  • I activated the the 2FA for this User.
  • I enabled the flag show_admin_mode_in_active_session like mentioned here : Sign-in restrictions | GitLab.

I’m missing something, but don’t know what, then i’m asking some help or ideas.

Thank’s in advance.


the admin is a little hide to see where you get it, perhaps it is why you did not found it…
You have to click on the Search or Go to (my Gitlab is in french so I traduce approximately) or command /
Then you should see the Admin Interface choice

Not sure is your issue, but perhaps :thinking:

Oui, j’ai vu que fonction des versions de Gitlab, le point d’entrée de l’interface d’admin avait changé, mais je ne la vois nulle part.
Je tente une réinstalation dans YNH avec les paramètres par défaut (excepté le user d’admin).
Je vous ferai un retour.
Yes, i saw that the menu entry changed throw gitlab versions, but i can’t find it anywhere.
I’m testing a knew gitlab install in YNH with default parameters except the admin user.
Soon, some news.

J’ai trouvé :wink:
en plus d’activer le double authentification sur le user, il faut le déclarer ‘admin’ via la console Gitlab :

  1. Se connecter en ssh sur le serveur YNH
  2. Lancer la console gitlab : gitlab-rails console -e production
  3. Retrouver l’utilisateur par son mail ou autre : user = User.find_by(email: ‘kurt@domain.com’)
  4. Le passer ‘admin’ : user.admin = true
  5. Enregistrer : user.save!
  6. Ferme la console : exit

Et pour finir se reconnecter sur Gitlab.
On trouve alors ‘Admin Area’ dans la zone ‘search or go to’

I found. You have to declare the user as an ‘Admin’ manually in the Gitlab Console :

  1. SSH connect on the YNH server
  2. Launch the gitlab console : gitlab-rails console -e production
  3. Find the user by it’s mail address : user = User.find_by(email: ‘kurt@domain.com’)
  4. Decalre it ‘admin’ : user.admin = true
  5. Save it : user.save!
  6. Close the console : exit

Ref. : How do I change my profile to Admin? - How to Use GitLab - GitLab Forum


Merci pour la solution, j’hésitais à lancer la mise à jour, mais au mois il y a grâce à toi une solution si les comptes admin disparaissent…

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