Hmyeah I think if you want to make it generic, you may use I-dont-recall-which-helper to parse the manifest and extract the description. In a more general sense, some apps have multiple services associated to them (eg mastodon) so it makes sense to have a specific description for every service but that’s boring to implement and maintain the sync between scripts. Alternatively I think Yunohost fallbacks to the description in the systemd conf if none is provided in yunohost service add
Ah so the core does fallback to the description in the systemd conf, but the issue lie in the fact that you scripts are calling yunohost service addbeforeynh_add_systemd_config
(If you ask me, that thing about yunohost service add should be done automatically or using an option inside ynh_add_systemd_config but i don’t know if that’s worth changing the practice instead of working on packaging v2 / v3 …)