FTP connexion problem

Hi there !

I’m new to Yunohost, I really enjoy it !
But I’m stuck in one thing, I just want to connect with FTP but I’m not sure if I can or if I must install something else than custom webapp.
I looked over the forum and saw a few things but couldn’t work for me.

I’ll be very glad if you could help me.

So is that possible with Custom Webapp ? Or should I install something else ? In that case what should I install ?

Thanks for your time and sorry, I know it’s a little stupid question, Cheryl is cool but not enough for my use.

Hello :smile:
Yunohost doesn’t support the FTP protocol. It only uses SFTP, but you can try to install ProFTPd, that’s what I did on my server, and then you can configure it very simply!

Hey thanks for your help,
I tried with sFTP with no success too, I just don’t know what parameters to use.
Even with ProFTPd what user should I use ? Do you recommand the ProFTPd https://github.com/abeudin/proftpd_ynh
or to install it via ssh ?

Arr I’m sure this is simple !

I’m using Filezilla to connect, should I use something else maybe ?

Thanks again anyway :smile: