Friendica very slow

YunoHost HOME server

Hardware: Old laptop | 20AT0030GE ThinkPad L440 | 5.10.0-28-amd64 | Intel i5-4200M (4) @ 3.100GHz | Intel 4th Gen Core Processor | Memory: 1473MiB / 7669MiB
YunoHost version: (stable)
Access to server : SSH | Webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : Nothing special
Friendica: app 2023.12~ynh3 (update today)

At the moment I have a problem with my friendica node: It is very slow and I get the “504 Gateway Time-out” screen very often.
At the moment yunohost is installed on a laptop with 8 GB RAM and 500 GB storage.
Friendica is the only app that is installed and only has one active user with more than 500 contacts.
In a first search I found the following topic: Very slow after the latest 2023.05 update · Issue #13373 · friendica/friendica · GitHub

As extra information, my Yunohost system was upgraded about 10 days ago and friendica today.

What information do you need to get a more complete picture of my situation?

The problem has not been completely solved, but at least the error appears much less frequently.

I have changed the condition of one variable: Lower the number of messages (to 40) and replies (to 5) per page.

But it is still relatively slow. The client I use on my mobile phone needs up to 90 seconds before displaying or refreshing new TL messages.

It’s a bit frustrating.

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