I think I have found a bug in raspberry yunohost implementation for freshrss with the api (to use with easyrss).
I had a yunohost installation on a virtualbox image and freshrss + api for easyrss worked fine.
Then I migrated the configuration of this installation on a freshly installed yunohost on raspberry and freshrss + api did not work: I am obtaining this error checking the api in freshrss configuration:
FAIL get HTTP Authorization header! Wrong Web server configuration."
First php-fpm was lacking, so I installed but it was not working the same.
I checked also the official documentation for freshrss (https://freshrss.github.io/FreshRSS/en/admins/02_Installation.html) and there is a little difference with the yunohost nginx configuration.
The line in
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php-fpm-freshrss.sock;
Instead in official documentation is
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock;
but this does not work in raspberry.
Any ideas?