Could someone please help troubleshoot an issue login into filebrowser?
Filebrowser 2.29.0~yhn1
Selfhosting in a small PC, full access.
Login into filebrowser fails with error “Wrong Credentials”
This seems to have happened after an update because after a while without using it, no users could be found.
Using the app shell, ran the config init and a db was created
Created one, no admin user, (no exec perm), no other user was created
Double checked username/password
Using different browsers, machines and networks
Restarting service
App shell lists 403 errors for attempts.
Any ideias for this?
PS: tagged as seafile, as there isn’t a tag for filebrowser as yet.
juste try to login with admin / admin and you can recreate user and change the admin login
if it dont work you can stop the service filebrowser in your webadmin and then delete the file database.db il the folder /var/www/filebrowser
then restart the service a new database.db will be create an you can login with admin /admin
apres la mise a jour j’ai du me reconnecter avec admin / admin c’est passer, jai du recreer mes utilisateur
si admin /admin ne fonctionne pas il faut arreter le services filebrowser dans le webadmin et supprimer le fichier database.db dans le dossier /var/www/filebrowser ensuite relancer le servcies et on peut se reconnecter avec admin / admin
ca a fonctionner pour moi