Filebrowser et les autres dossier

Bonjour a tous.

En cherchant une alternative a Nextcloud, je suis tombé sur filebrowser. Leger et simple.
MAIS je ne trouve pas comment mettre le chemin vers d’autre dossier que celui de l’installation.
Je veux dire… j’ai des HDD monté, et je ne sais pas comment faire pour y acceder.

Pourriez vous m’aider?



the readme will help you GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/filebrowser_ynh: FileBrowser package for YunoHost

OHHHHH!!! sooo happy the answer was just front of me!!! :slight_smile: i did itttttt!!! wowowww…!!!
sorry but after many hours for find this solution so simple… thank you again for your help!

@jonathanbse so how did you do it. I too would like user to log in and see their own directories and files.
Thanks for the help


i forget… i will try remember… :slight_smile:

@deljones I don’t know if you’re still figuring this out (sorry to revive an old topic!), but I managed to do this a few days ago. My users can now see their own files, and no one else’s.

To do this, you should first create Yunohost user accounts for the people who will use Filebrowser, in the Yunohost Admin > Users > +New User. Let’s call them Bob and Alice.

Make your users’ own directories where their files will be placed.

sudo mkdir /home/
sudo mkdir /home/

Check the ownership of the contents of the /filebrowser directory with ls -l. The default setting has them belonging to the root group (if I remember correctly… or it might have been www-data – either way, it’s not what we want):

sudo ls -l /home/

Check that Bob and Alice are members of the filebrowser group:
groups bob
groups alice
The results should include filebrowser.main.

If they are members, change the group that owns the /bob and /alice directories from the root group (or whatever it is) to the filebrowser group:
sudo chgrp filebrowser /home/
sudo chgrp filebrowser /home/

Then give write permission to the group for those two folders, so the users can upload and edit files:
sudo chmod g+w /home/
sudo chmod g+w /home/

Then open Filebrowser via a web browser, sign in as the admin user (default password is admin, I believe), and create accounts within Filebrowser for Bob and Alice. In the Admin account, you should see the two directories (created above) appear as folders. Upload two different test files, one to each folder. Sign out from the Admin account and sign in as Bob and as Alice to make sure they can’t see each other’s test files. If they can’t, then you’re done. :slight_smile:

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