Etherpad Lite package

You can test your backup/restore script with package_check.

I try to use it on your package, but my VM is very lazy this evening…

But already, you have an error on public_site argument. In the manifest, public_site is not a boolean. In the install script, public_site is treated as boolean value.
So, your app is always private.

fixed, thanks

I get 502 error
nginx log:
2016/07/11 XX:XX:XX [error] 19010#0: *23188 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client: XX.XXX.XX.X, server: domain.tld, request: "GET /pad/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "http://XX.XXX.XX.X:9001/", host: "domain.tld", referrer: "https://domain.tld/yunohost/sso/"

With package_check, i’ve got a 404 on sub_dir install, and nginx failed to start.

The upgrade script have some issues,
./upgrade: ligne 48: =/etc/nginx/conf.d/sous.domain.tld.d/etherpadlite.conf: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
cp: opérande de fichier cible manquant après « ../conf/nginx.conf-nosub »

And restore script have many error:
Warning: yunohost.hook <lambda> - [5701.1] Impossible d'installer l'application à cet emplacement Error: yunohost cli - Impossible d'installer l'application à cet emplacement Warning: yunohost.hook <lambda> - [5701.1] Path not available: sous.domain.tld/ Error: yunohost.backup backup_restore - [5701.1] Impossible de restaurer l'application « etherpadlite » Warning: yunohost.hook <lambda> - [5701.1] ERROR 1008 (HY000) at line 1: Can't drop database 'etherpadlite'; database doesn't exist Warning: yunohost.hook <lambda> - [5701.1] ERROR 1396 (HY000) at line 1: Operation DROP USER failed for 'etherpadlite'@'localhost' Warning: yunohost.hook <lambda> - [5701.1] Failed to stop etherpadlite.service: Unit etherpadlite.service not loaded. Warning: yunohost.hook <lambda> - [5701.1] rm: impossible de supprimer « /etc/init.d/etherpadlite »: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type Warning: yunohost.backup backup_restore - [5701.1] etherpadlite n'a pas été supprimé correctement

You may check the complete log here.

thanks for feedbacks
i had this nginx errors, but since i installed the package on three ynh instance without a probleme
i think the error is coming from etherpad, not from nginx, etherpad may not be active (despite the service is up withour error message)
I never used pkg_check script, i’ll learn it soon and try to fix the errors