Bonjour! Je viens juste d’installer EtherPad sur mon Raspberry Pie et le site me dit toujours que je suis en maintenance. Après avoir vérifier les logs il semble aussi y avoir des erreurs que je ne comprends pas vraiment, étant débutant. Auriez-vous des pistes?
Voici les logs:
Merci d’avance
Hello dirtyskeleton
Could you tel me what is the maintenance message you see ?
From your log, I see an error with abiword. Abiword may sometime doesn’t work correctly, reason why we have also a support for libreoffice.
If you just installed etherpad, you may try to remove it and reinstall with libreoffice instead of abiword.
Hi Maniack!
The message I see is the following :
Your app etherpad_mypads is currently under maintenance!
This app has been put under maintenance by your administrator at Fri 29 Mar 03:00:55 GMT 2019
Please wait until the maintenance operation is done. This page will be reloaded as soon as your app will be back.
I already tried to install the app with libreoffice but the installation fails everytime:
Sure it was just an installation ?
This massage happens only for change_url, upgrade or restore scripts.
Anyway, the first thing to do would be to disable the maintenance mode.
The easy way is to upgrade the package.
sudo YNH_FORCE_UPGRADE=1 yunohost app upgrade etherpad_mypads -u