Error with tandoor image update

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS in Hertzner
YunoHost version: 11.2.27
I have access to my server : SSH and webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no

Description of my issue

Dear Community of Yunohost,

I set up years ago a Tandoor to keep track of my recipes, the App is superb and I love it but since the last update (version 1…5.19~ynh1) I can’t update anymore the images of my old and newly created recipes.
I tried both the regular app interface and the admin interface.
In the app, I receive a “erreur lors de la mise à jour d’une ressource !”.
I look at the log and found this when the error pop up.

Do you have any idea how to solve my issue ?

Sep 01 11:00:58 gunicorn[461055]: /var/www/tandoor__2/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/ RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField MealPlan.to_date received a naive datetime (2024-09-01 00:00:00) while time zone support is active.
Sep 01 11:00:58 gunicorn[461055]:   warnings.warn(
Sep 01 11:00:58 gunicorn[461055]: /var/www/tandoor__2/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rest_framework/ UnorderedObjectListWarning: Pagination may yield inconsistent results with an unordered object_list: <class 'cookbook.models.CustomFilter'> QuerySet.
Sep 01 11:00:58 gunicorn[461055]:   paginator = self.django_paginator_class(queryset, page_size)
Sep 01 11:01:11 gunicorn[424540]: [2024-09-01 11:01:11 +0200] [424540] [ERROR] Worker (pid:461055) was sent SIGSYS!
Sep 01 11:01:11 gunicorn[461914]: [2024-09-01 11:01:11 +0200] [461914] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 461914
Sep 01 11:01:12 gunicorn[461914]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Sep 01 11:01:12 gunicorn[461914]:   File "/var/www/tandoor__2/cookbook/", line 20, in ready
Sep 01 11:01:12 gunicorn[461914]:     from cookbook.connectors.connector_manager import ConnectorManager  # Needs to be here to prevent loading race condition of oauth2 modules in
Sep 01 11:01:12 gunicorn[461914]:   File "/var/www/tandoor__2/cookbook/connectors/", line 145
Sep 01 11:01:12 gunicorn[461914]:     match config.type:
Sep 01 11:01:12 gunicorn[461914]:           ^
Sep 01 11:01:12 gunicorn[461914]: SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Thank you very much in advance !

Sounds like it’s using python syntax which is only available in more recent versions of Python …

Yep, thanks for looking at it, any thought ?

match was introduced in Python 3.10 apparently, and Bullseye / Yunohost 11 only ships Python 3.9. But Bookworm does ship Python 3.11

Ok, so I’ll wait the future release of Bookworm. Thanks !

Tandoor is now requiring Python 3.12. I’m surprised it runs at all with 3.9.

I tried manually replacing the match occurrences with something 3.9 compatible, but no luck. There is other stuff broken and I ran out of patience.

Unless we can update the package to use Python 3.12 it should be considered broken

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