Error upgrading privatebin (²)

For me upgrading still doesn’t work with Yunhost 11.2.26.

Still error in backup procedure:

Info: Declaring files to be backed up...
Warning: /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_yyb4onoh/scripts/backup: line 34: phpversion: unbound variable
Error: Could not back up privatebin

Full log:

Side question: Is there a way to exclude an app from upgrade procedure without uninstalling it. At the moment the bug blocks several other apps from upgrading.

(Moved to a new topic, please avoid resurecting solved threads …)

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Can you tell which version of Privatebin you are running right now ?

I’m running last version 1.7.3~ynh1

I’ve just seen that I get an error with privatebin service.

403 Forbidden---nginx

Maybe the installation is corrupted and thats the issue.

Eeeeh okay but if this is the last version how comes you’re getting an upgrade for it ? x_X Which version is it upgrading to ?

Sorry for semantic confusion. I’m running the last version 1.7.3~ynh1 and was trying to install the latest version 1.7.4~ynh1.

I reinstalled privatebin and it works now with the new versions.
Sorry for bothering. I thought it was a script problem but obviously something was broken on my side.

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