Error: Failed to set new hostname

Bonjour à tous!

Premier post ici, je vais essayer d’être clair et complet! En effet je suis nouveau sur Yuno et je bloque depuis quelques temps sur une erreur.

Mon installation est un serveur soyoustart (ovh) Serveur ARM-2T - Cortex A9 - 2GB - 1x2To, avec Debian 9 Armhf “Stretch” (32bits).
Je m’y connecte en SSH, fais l’installation, tout va bien, mais au moment de la post-installation, que ce soit en ligne de commande ou via l’interface web, j’ai toujours le même problème. Impossible d’avoir un nom de domaine

Il est écrit que cette méthode ne nécessite pas de réglage DNS, c’est pourquoi je l’ai choisi, mais peut-être que mon serveur en a besoin? J’ai essayé diffèrent nom, pensant qu’ils n’étaient pas disponible, mais rien n’y fait, constamment le même message:

ended_at: 2019-08-21 08:40:34.962867
error: Failed to set new hostname
operation: tools_maindomain
- - domain
started_at: 2019-08-21 08:40:09.670448
success: false


2019-08-21 10:40:34,958: WARNING - ['sudo', 'hostnamectl', '--static', 'set-hostname', '']
2019-08-21 10:40:34,961: WARNING - Could not set property: Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1': timed out

Je pense que l’erreur est toute bête vu mon faible niveau! Mais j’ai beau chercher dans les docs et le forum, je ne trouve rien.

Merci d’avance pour votre aide.



  • uuuh, il y a vraiment une douzaine de points dans ton domaine ou bien c’est toi qui a remplacé une partie du truc ?
  • attention, c’est marqué au lieu de ?

Salut Aleks,

  • Non il n’y a pas de point dans le nom de domaine, j’ai simplement décidé de le caché, si jamais j’arrive à le faire fonctionner j’aimerais garder les nom discrets pour être tranquille
  • en effet sur cette install il y a une faute de frappe, je n’avais pas vu. Mais cette erreur m’est déjà arrivé plusieur fois, y compris avec l’interface web, et la pas de faute possible.

Hmoké, ebeee du coup :

  • normalement il ne faut pas mettre de www. au début, juste respecter le format (mais pas, meme si tu peux potentiellement l’ajouter ensuite). Ceci dit ça n’est pas la cause véritable du problème que tu rencontres
  • je pense savoir d’où viens le probleme … il sera fixé dans la prochaine version mais en attendant je ne sais pas trop comment faire pour le contourner :confused: Si ce n’est changer de serveur pour un qui permette de changer le hostname …

Ou en fait :

  • avant la postinstallation tu peux ouvrir le fichier avec la commande nano /usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/
  • trouver le bloc def _set_hostname(...etc...) et dedans la ligne raise YunohostError('domain_hostname_failed)
  • rajouter un # devant cette ligne pour la commenter
  • enregistrer et quiter avec Ctrl + X (qui te demandera confirmation)
  • lancer la postinstall :wink:

Pour les www. je les mettais pas au début, mais ça marchait pas mieux alors j’ai essayé avec :sweat_smile: on tente ce qu’on peut!

Pour ta solution, je l’essaye dès que j’ai un moment et je te dis si ça fonctionne.

Un grand merci pour ton aide en tout cas.


J’ai essayé ce matin en suivant tes conseils, ça m’indique que le domaine que j’essayé d’avoir hier n’est pas disponible, alors j’ai changé de terminaison, mais bizarre quand même puisque l’installation n’a pas fonctionné et que j’ai réinstallé le serveur. (je ne cache plus l’adresse, c’est trop long, tant pis!)

C’est allé un peu plus loin avec ta méthode mais ça semble encore peiner. Je commence à penser que mon serveur n’est vraiment pas fait pour ce genre de chose :unamused: il a toujours du mal quand on touche au DNS ou aux IP, je pense que c’est trop fermé.

  force_password: false
  ignore_dyndns: false
ended_at: 2019-08-22 10:22:29.540786
error: Unable to reload the firewall
operation: tools_postinstall
- - domain
started_at: 2019-08-22 10:20:52.985988
success: false


2019-08-22 12:20:52,997: INFO - Installing YunoHost…
2019-08-22 12:20:53,036: DEBUG - custom hook folder not found for action 'conf_regen' in /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/
2019-08-22 12:20:53,056: DEBUG - Executing command 'sh -c YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmp46L8Ly/stdinfo YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpfucYOx/stdreturn BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./09-nslcd" pre 1 0 /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nslcd 7>&1'…
2019-08-22 12:20:53,057: DEBUG - About to run the command '['sh', '-c', 'YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmp46L8Ly/stdinfo YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpfucYOx/stdreturn BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./09-nslcd" pre 1 0 /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nslcd 7>&1']'
2019-08-22 12:20:53,214: DEBUG - + set -e
2019-08-22 12:20:53,216: DEBUG - + FORCE=1
2019-08-22 12:20:53,218: DEBUG - + DRY_RUN=0
2019-08-22 12:20:53,219: DEBUG - + case "$1" in
2019-08-22 12:20:53,220: DEBUG - + do_pre_regen /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nslcd
2019-08-22 12:20:53,221: DEBUG - + pending_dir=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nslcd
2019-08-22 12:20:53,223: DEBUG - + cd /usr/share/yunohost/templates/nslcd
2019-08-22 12:20:53,224: DEBUG - + install -D -m 644 nslcd.conf /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nslcd/etc/nslcd.conf
2019-08-22 12:20:53,225: DEBUG - + exit 0
2019-08-22 12:20:53,239: DEBUG - Executing command 'sh -c YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmp89NeVo/stdinfo YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpaiSiYE/stdreturn BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./46-nsswitch" pre 1 0 /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nsswitch 7>&1'…
2019-08-22 12:20:53,240: DEBUG - About to run the command '['sh', '-c', 'YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmp89NeVo/stdinfo YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpaiSiYE/stdreturn BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./46-nsswitch" pre 1 0 /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nsswitch 7>&1']'
2019-08-22 12:20:53,394: DEBUG - + set -e
2019-08-22 12:20:53,397: DEBUG - + FORCE=1
2019-08-22 12:20:53,398: DEBUG - + DRY_RUN=0
2019-08-22 12:20:53,399: DEBUG - + case "$1" in
2019-08-22 12:20:53,401: DEBUG - + do_pre_regen /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nsswitch
2019-08-22 12:20:53,402: DEBUG - + pending_dir=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nsswitch
2019-08-22 12:20:53,403: DEBUG - + cd /usr/share/yunohost/templates/nsswitch
2019-08-22 12:20:53,404: DEBUG - + install -D -m 644 nsswitch.conf /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nsswitch/etc/nsswitch.conf
2019-08-22 12:20:53,406: DEBUG - + exit 0
2019-08-22 12:20:53,429: DEBUG - Applying pending configuration for category 'nsswitch'…
2019-08-22 12:20:53,431: DEBUG - category nsswitch is not in categories.yml yet.
2019-08-22 12:20:53,433: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nsswitch/etc/nsswitch.conf' to system conf '/etc/nsswitch.conf'
2019-08-22 12:20:53,435: DEBUG - > system conf is not managed yet
2019-08-22 12:20:53,436: INFO - The configuration file '/etc/nsswitch.conf' is now managed by YunoHost (category nsswitch).
2019-08-22 12:20:53,439: DEBUG - The configuration file '/etc/nsswitch.conf' has been backed up to '/home/yunohost.conf/backup/etc/nsswitch.conf-20190822.102053'
2019-08-22 12:20:53,442: DEBUG - The configuration file '/etc/nsswitch.conf' has been updated
2019-08-22 12:20:53,443: SUCCESS - The configuration has been updated for category 'nsswitch'
2019-08-22 12:20:53,445: DEBUG - updating conf hashes for 'nsswitch' with: {'/etc/nsswitch.conf': 'b3866c593dca88380ce1fe10d660298f'}
2019-08-22 12:20:53,451: DEBUG - Applying pending configuration for category 'nslcd'…
2019-08-22 12:20:53,460: DEBUG - category nslcd is not in categories.yml yet.
2019-08-22 12:20:53,462: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nslcd/etc/nslcd.conf' to system conf '/etc/nslcd.conf'
2019-08-22 12:20:53,464: DEBUG - > system conf is not managed yet
2019-08-22 12:20:53,465: INFO - The configuration file '/etc/nslcd.conf' is now managed by YunoHost (category nslcd).
2019-08-22 12:20:53,467: DEBUG - The configuration file '/etc/nslcd.conf' has been backed up to '/home/yunohost.conf/backup/etc/nslcd.conf-20190822.102053'
2019-08-22 12:20:53,470: DEBUG - The configuration file '/etc/nslcd.conf' has been updated
2019-08-22 12:20:53,471: SUCCESS - The configuration has been updated for category 'nslcd'
2019-08-22 12:20:53,473: DEBUG - updating conf hashes for 'nslcd' with: {'/etc/nslcd.conf': '84be3019fcddb78070798ffa147a48ec'}
2019-08-22 12:20:53,489: DEBUG - custom hook folder not found for action 'conf_regen' in /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/
2019-08-22 12:20:53,492: DEBUG - Executing command 'sh -c YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmpUU_aXT/stdinfo YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmprrZPyt/stdreturn BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./09-nslcd" post 1 0 /etc/nslcd.conf 7>&1'…
2019-08-22 12:20:53,494: DEBUG - About to run the command '['sh', '-c', 'YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmpUU_aXT/stdinfo YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmprrZPyt/stdreturn BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./09-nslcd" post 1 0 /etc/nslcd.conf 7>&1']'
2019-08-22 12:20:53,655: DEBUG - + set -e
2019-08-22 12:20:53,658: DEBUG - + FORCE=1
2019-08-22 12:20:53,660: DEBUG - + DRY_RUN=0
2019-08-22 12:20:53,661: DEBUG - + case "$1" in
2019-08-22 12:20:53,663: DEBUG - + do_post_regen /etc/nslcd.conf
2019-08-22 12:20:53,664: DEBUG - + regen_conf_files=/etc/nslcd.conf
2019-08-22 12:20:53,665: DEBUG - + [[ -z /etc/nslcd.conf ]]
2019-08-22 12:20:53,667: DEBUG - + sudo service nslcd restart
2019-08-22 12:20:54,186: DEBUG - + exit 0
2019-08-22 12:20:54,244: DEBUG - Executing command 'sh -c YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmpNfRbmX/stdinfo YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpUZ6YLX/stdreturn BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./46-nsswitch" post 1 0 /etc/nsswitch.conf 7>&1'…
2019-08-22 12:20:54,246: DEBUG - About to run the command '['sh', '-c', 'YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmpNfRbmX/stdinfo YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpUZ6YLX/stdreturn BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./46-nsswitch" post 1 0 /etc/nsswitch.conf 7>&1']'
2019-08-22 12:20:54,397: DEBUG - + set -e
2019-08-22 12:20:54,401: DEBUG - + FORCE=1
2019-08-22 12:20:54,402: DEBUG - + DRY_RUN=0
2019-08-22 12:20:54,404: DEBUG - + case "$1" in
2019-08-22 12:20:54,406: DEBUG - + do_post_regen /etc/nsswitch.conf
2019-08-22 12:20:54,408: DEBUG - + regen_conf_files=/etc/nsswitch.conf
2019-08-22 12:20:54,410: DEBUG - + [[ -z /etc/nsswitch.conf ]]
2019-08-22 12:20:54,411: DEBUG - + sudo service unscd restart
2019-08-22 12:20:54,617: DEBUG - + exit 0
2019-08-22 12:20:54,659: DEBUG - To view the log of the operation 'Regenerate system configurations '2_categories'', use the command 'yunohost log display 20190822-102053-regen_conf-2_categories'
2019-08-22 12:20:54,962: SUCCESS - LDAP has been initialized
2019-08-22 12:20:55,058: DEBUG - custom hook folder not found for action 'conf_regen' in /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/
2019-08-22 12:20:55,069: DEBUG - Executing command 'sh -c YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmp7zzX0Z/stdinfo YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpqiUkld/stdreturn BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./02-ssl" pre 1 0 /home/yunohost.conf/pending/ssl 7>&1'…
2019-08-22 12:20:55,071: DEBUG - About to run the command '['sh', '-c', 'YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmp7zzX0Z/stdinfo YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpqiUkld/stdreturn BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./02-ssl" pre 1 0 /home/yunohost.conf/pending/ssl 7>&1']'
2019-08-22 12:20:55,135: DEBUG - + set -e
2019-08-22 12:20:55,140: DEBUG - + ssl_dir=/usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/ssl/yunoCA
2019-08-22 12:20:55,141: DEBUG - + FORCE=1
2019-08-22 12:20:55,143: DEBUG - + DRY_RUN=0
2019-08-22 12:20:55,144: DEBUG - + case "$1" in
2019-08-22 12:20:55,145: DEBUG - + do_pre_regen /home/yunohost.conf/pending/ssl
2019-08-22 12:20:55,147: DEBUG - + pending_dir=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/ssl
2019-08-22 12:20:55,148: DEBUG - + cd /usr/share/yunohost/templates/ssl
2019-08-22 12:20:55,150: DEBUG - + install -D -m 644 openssl.cnf /home/yunohost.conf/pending/ssl//usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/ssl/yunoCA/openssl.cnf
2019-08-22 12:20:55,151: DEBUG - + exit 0
2019-08-22 12:20:55,214: DEBUG - Applying pending configuration for category 'ssl'…
2019-08-22 12:20:55,227: DEBUG - category ssl is not in categories.yml yet.
2019-08-22 12:20:55,229: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/ssl/usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/ssl/yunoCA/openssl.cnf' to system conf '/usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/ssl/yunoCA/openssl.cnf'
2019-08-22 12:20:55,231: DEBUG - > system conf has been manually removed
2019-08-22 12:20:55,233: DEBUG - The configuration file '/usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/ssl/yunoCA/openssl.cnf' has been updated
2019-08-22 12:20:55,234: SUCCESS - The configuration has been updated for category 'ssl'
2019-08-22 12:20:55,236: DEBUG - updating conf hashes for 'ssl' with: {'/usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/ssl/yunoCA/openssl.cnf': '0354dd165846ac350603e518653adf9e'}
2019-08-22 12:20:55,261: DEBUG - custom hook folder not found for action 'conf_regen' in /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/
2019-08-22 12:20:55,264: DEBUG - Executing command 'sh -c YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmpgSb6t0/stdinfo YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpgDODvC/stdreturn BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./02-ssl" post 1 0 /usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/ssl/yunoCA/openssl.cnf 7>&1'…
2019-08-22 12:20:55,265: DEBUG - About to run the command '['sh', '-c', 'YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmpgSb6t0/stdinfo YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpgDODvC/stdreturn BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./02-ssl" post 1 0 /usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/ssl/yunoCA/openssl.cnf 7>&1']'
2019-08-22 12:20:55,420: DEBUG - + set -e
2019-08-22 12:20:55,423: DEBUG - + ssl_dir=/usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/ssl/yunoCA
2019-08-22 12:20:55,424: DEBUG - + FORCE=1
2019-08-22 12:20:55,425: DEBUG - + DRY_RUN=0
2019-08-22 12:20:55,426: DEBUG - + case "$1" in
2019-08-22 12:20:55,428: DEBUG - + do_post_regen /usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/ssl/yunoCA/openssl.cnf
2019-08-22 12:20:55,429: DEBUG - + regen_conf_files=/usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/ssl/yunoCA/openssl.cnf
2019-08-22 12:20:55,431: DEBUG - + index_txt=/usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/ssl/yunoCA/index.txt
2019-08-22 12:20:55,432: DEBUG - + [[ -f /usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/ssl/yunoCA/index.txt ]]
2019-08-22 12:20:55,433: DEBUG - + exit 0
2019-08-22 12:20:55,444: DEBUG - To view the log of the operation 'Regenerate system configurations 'ssl'', use the command 'yunohost log display 20190822-102055-regen_conf-ssl'
2019-08-22 12:20:55,510: DEBUG - 
2019-08-22 12:20:55,528: DEBUG - 
2019-08-22 12:20:55,548: DEBUG - 
2019-08-22 12:20:55,571: DEBUG - 
2019-08-22 12:20:58,031: DEBUG - Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/ssl/yunoCA/ca/cakey.pem'

2019-08-22 12:20:58,051: DEBUG - 
2019-08-22 12:21:01,374: DEBUG - Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...
0 added, 0 removed; done.
Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d...

2019-08-22 12:21:01,376: SUCCESS - The local certification authority has been created.
2019-08-22 12:21:01,389: DEBUG - custom hook folder not found for action 'conf_regen' in /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/
2019-08-22 12:21:01,393: DEBUG - Executing command 'sh -c YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmpd8VEhz/stdinfo YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpdGyjNl/stdreturn BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./46-nsswitch" pre 1 0 /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nsswitch 7>&1'…
2019-08-22 12:21:01,394: DEBUG - About to run the command '['sh', '-c', 'YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmpd8VEhz/stdinfo YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpdGyjNl/stdreturn BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./46-nsswitch" pre 1 0 /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nsswitch 7>&1']'
2019-08-22 12:21:01,457: DEBUG - + set -e
2019-08-22 12:21:01,460: DEBUG - + FORCE=1
2019-08-22 12:21:01,462: DEBUG - + DRY_RUN=0
2019-08-22 12:21:01,464: DEBUG - + case "$1" in
2019-08-22 12:21:01,466: DEBUG - + do_pre_regen /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nsswitch
2019-08-22 12:21:01,467: DEBUG - + pending_dir=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nsswitch
2019-08-22 12:21:01,469: DEBUG - + cd /usr/share/yunohost/templates/nsswitch
2019-08-22 12:21:01,471: DEBUG - + install -D -m 644 nsswitch.conf /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nsswitch/etc/nsswitch.conf
2019-08-22 12:21:01,472: DEBUG - + exit 0
2019-08-22 12:21:01,641: DEBUG - Applying pending configuration for category 'nsswitch'…
2019-08-22 12:21:01,659: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nsswitch/etc/nsswitch.conf' to system conf '/etc/nsswitch.conf'
2019-08-22 12:21:01,661: DEBUG - > system conf is already up-to-date
2019-08-22 12:21:01,663: DEBUG - The configuration is already up-to-date for category 'nsswitch'
2019-08-22 12:21:01,664: DEBUG - custom hook folder not found for action 'conf_regen' in /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/
2019-08-22 12:21:01,667: DEBUG - Executing command 'sh -c YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmpYiztyN/stdinfo YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpqIMR0p/stdreturn BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./46-nsswitch" post 1 0 '' 7>&1'…
2019-08-22 12:21:01,668: DEBUG - About to run the command '['sh', '-c', 'YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmpYiztyN/stdinfo YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpqIMR0p/stdreturn BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./46-nsswitch" post 1 0 \'\' 7>&1']'
2019-08-22 12:21:01,825: DEBUG - + set -e
2019-08-22 12:21:01,827: DEBUG - + FORCE=1
2019-08-22 12:21:01,829: DEBUG - + DRY_RUN=0
2019-08-22 12:21:01,830: DEBUG - + case "$1" in
2019-08-22 12:21:01,831: DEBUG - + do_post_regen
2019-08-22 12:21:01,832: DEBUG - + regen_conf_files=
2019-08-22 12:21:01,834: DEBUG - + [[ -z '' ]]
2019-08-22 12:21:01,835: DEBUG - + exit 0
2019-08-22 12:21:01,851: DEBUG - To view the log of the operation 'Regenerate system configurations 'nsswitch'', use the command 'yunohost log display 20190822-102101-regen_conf-nsswitch'
2019-08-22 12:21:01,877: DEBUG - Checking if is managed by ...
2019-08-22 12:21:02,401: DEBUG - Checking if is managed by ...
2019-08-22 12:21:02,921: DEBUG - Checking if domain is available on ...
2019-08-22 12:21:03,459: DEBUG - DNS key is being generated, it may take a while…
2019-08-22 12:21:04,115: SUCCESS - The DynDNS domain has been registered
2019-08-22 12:21:04,120: SUCCESS - The DynDNS cron job has been installed
2019-08-22 12:21:04,123: DEBUG - To view the log of the operation 'Subscribe to a YunoHost subdomain ''', use the command 'yunohost log display'
2019-08-22 12:21:07,688: DEBUG - Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/etc/yunohost/certs//'

2019-08-22 12:21:07,767: DEBUG - Using configuration from /etc/yunohost/certs//
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
Certificate Details:
        Serial Number:
            Not Before: Aug 22 10:21:07 2019 GMT
            Not After : Aug 19 10:21:07 2029 GMT
            commonName                =
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
            Netscape Comment: 
                OpenSSL Generated Certificate
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 

            X509v3 Key Usage: 
                Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: 
Certificate is to be certified until Aug 19 10:21:07 2029 GMT (3650 days)

Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated

2019-08-22 12:21:07,786: DEBUG - Enabling the certificate for domain ...
2019-08-22 12:21:07,788: DEBUG - Restarting services...
2019-08-22 12:21:07,873: DEBUG - Running 'systemctl restart postfix'
2019-08-22 12:21:10,764: DEBUG - Running 'systemctl restart dovecot'
2019-08-22 12:21:11,281: DEBUG - Running 'systemctl restart metronome'
2019-08-22 12:21:12,135: DEBUG - Running 'systemctl reload nginx'
2019-08-22 12:21:12,473: DEBUG - system hook folder not found for action 'post_cert_update' in /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/
2019-08-22 12:21:12,475: DEBUG - custom hook folder not found for action 'post_cert_update' in /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/
2019-08-22 12:21:13,445: SUCCESS - Successfully installed a self-signed certificate for domain!
2019-08-22 12:21:13,447: DEBUG - To view the log of the operation 'Install self signed certificate on '' domain', use the command 'yunohost log display'
2019-08-22 12:21:13,462: DEBUG - system hook folder not found for action 'post_domain_add' in /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/
2019-08-22 12:21:13,463: DEBUG - custom hook folder not found for action 'post_domain_add' in /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/
2019-08-22 12:21:13,465: SUCCESS - The domain has been created
2019-08-22 12:21:13,467: DEBUG - To view the log of the operation 'Add '' domain into system configuration', use the command 'yunohost log display'
2019-08-22 12:21:38,778: WARNING - ['sudo', 'hostnamectl', '--static', 'set-hostname', '']
2019-08-22 12:21:38,781: WARNING - Could not set property: Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1': timed out

2019-08-22 12:22:03,910: WARNING - ['sudo', 'hostnamectl', '--transient', 'set-hostname', '']
2019-08-22 12:22:03,913: WARNING - Could not set property: Connection timed out

2019-08-22 12:22:29,038: WARNING - ['sudo', 'hostnamectl', '--pretty', 'set-hostname', '(YunoHost/']
2019-08-22 12:22:29,040: WARNING - Could not set property: Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1': timed out

2019-08-22 12:22:29,076: SUCCESS - The SSOwat configuration has been generated
2019-08-22 12:22:29,078: SUCCESS - The main domain has been changed
2019-08-22 12:22:29,080: DEBUG - To view the log of the operation 'Make '' as main domain', use the command 'yunohost log display'
2019-08-22 12:22:29,269: INFO - Your root password have been replaced by your admin password.
2019-08-22 12:22:29,271: SUCCESS - The administration password has been changed
2019-08-22 12:22:29,508: DEBUG - iptables seems to be not available, it outputs:
> modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:586 kmod_search_moddep() could not open moddep file '/lib/modules/4.5.2-armada375/modules.dep.bin'
> modprobe: FATAL: Module ip_tables not found in directory /lib/modules/4.5.2-armada375
> iptables v1.6.0: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
> Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
2019-08-22 12:22:29,510: WARNING - You cannot play with iptables here. You are either in a container or your kernel does not support it
2019-08-22 12:22:29,537: DEBUG - ip6tables seems to be not available, it outputs:
> modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:586 kmod_search_moddep() could not open moddep file '/lib/modules/4.5.2-armada375/modules.dep.bin'
> modprobe: FATAL: Module ip6_tables not found in directory /lib/modules/4.5.2-armada375
> ip6tables v1.6.0: can't initialize ip6tables table `filter': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
> Perhaps ip6tables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
2019-08-22 12:22:29,539: WARNING - You cannot play with ip6tables here. You are either in a container or your kernel does not support it

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