Too bad your recommendation is not among the packages and can not be installed via the link, which is actually always possible. [GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/eleventy_ynh: Eleventy package for YunoHost ] I could still install it via Terminal, but if it is no longer listed in the lists, then I think I let that be.
Schade deine Empfehlung ist nicht unter den Paketen und lässt sich auch nicht über den Link installieren, was eigentlich immer geht. [GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/eleventy_ynh: Eleventy package for YunoHost ] ich könnten Sie mir zwar noch über Terminal installieren, doch wenn sie schon nicht in den Listen gelistet mehr ist, dann denke ich lasse ich das sein.
Hi! I am a proud and heavy Eleventy user. I am wondering if someone could share a use case for this package… Right now I am building my website locally, then pushing the changes to a my_webapp on my YunoHost server.
Do you think building the website on the server is more convenient? How do you usually publish your Eleventy website on a YunoHost server?
I have been struggling with this too. I suppose one advantage might be the ability to rebuild via CRON job if you’re, say, pulling webmentions or something regularly. That said, it seems like you could also just do that on your local machine and transfer to my_webapp via SCP in the same job.
I really wanted to be able to trigger a rebuild when I pushed to my gitlab instance (on the same server), but I could never figure out how to make it work.