[Eleventy] Static site generator

Eleventy for YunoHost

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Install Eleventy with YunoHost


Eleventy is a simpler static site generator.

Shipped version: 2.0.1~ynh1

Documentation and resources


Too bad your recommendation is not among the packages and can not be installed via the link, which is actually always possible. [GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/eleventy_ynh: Eleventy package for YunoHost ] I could still install it via Terminal, but if it is no longer listed in the lists, then I think I let that be.

Schade deine Empfehlung ist nicht unter den Paketen und lässt sich auch nicht über den Link installieren, was eigentlich immer geht. [GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/eleventy_ynh: Eleventy package for YunoHost ] ich könnten Sie mir zwar noch über Terminal installieren, doch wenn sie schon nicht in den Listen gelistet mehr ist, dann denke ich lasse ich das sein.

I guess the app is not yet listed because it is a new app.

BTW I installed the app today and so far I really like it. Will continue to test and play around with it.

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It’s listed, but labelled Broken.

Hi! I am a proud and heavy Eleventy user. I am wondering if someone could share a use case for this package… Right now I am building my website locally, then pushing the changes to a my_webapp on my YunoHost server.

Do you think building the website on the server is more convenient? How do you usually publish your Eleventy website on a YunoHost server?