ElasticSearch and OpenSearch are both distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine. You can use them to store, search, and manage data for logs, metrics, search backend, application monitoring, Endpoint security.
Shipped versions
ElasticSearch7: 7.17.8~ynh6
ElasticSearch8: 8.6.2~ynh1
OpenSearch: 2.5.0~ynh2
Use cases
As an end user, you would probably not worry about these packages, unless you worry about the licenses.
As a packager, you would probably like to use one of them if the app requires using an ElasticSearch or an OpenSearch indexer. You may call the ynh_install_app helper.
What are the differences between them
OpenSearch is a fork of ElasticSearch7 and share a common API with it;
ElasticSearch7 and ElasticSearch8 are SSPL licensed and thus are not totally free/open-source;
I did not package ElasticSearch 7.10, despite being the last ElasticSearch free/open-source version, as the last patch was released 2 years ago, and I am not confident about the security of it at all.
Thank you very much for these packages ! Do they can be used with nextcloud out of the box ?
Something like installing elasticsearch yunohost package, then installing nextcloud’s elastic search and full text search apps, and linking both ? Does anybody have already tested this ?
Edit : any idea of the charge on the server to index files, and to make searches, in relation to the number of files/users ?
I’ve already excluded some folders by adding a .noindex file -» that’s working. But is there a way to exclude some kinds of files to index ? Like pictures for example ?
I get a huge number of errors, all the same : Elastic\Transport\Exception\NoNodeAvailableException. Does that mean that the indexing doesn’t work ? How to solve that ?
when I try to do a full text search in nextcloud, I get no results in files, even if I stop the indexing.
I don’t know, but it doesn’t work without on my server :
root@lowcal:/home/lamonerie# sudo -u nextcloud php8.1 /var/www/nextcloud/occ fulltextsearch:index
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)
I already let indexing for a few days, and even if I stop the first indexing, it doesn’t show any files results in nextcloud. It has finished to index one user, I tried to search logged with this user, I don’t have any result. How to debug this ?
I have some external storage that are shared between many users, it the index command will rescan all files with each user… How to avoid this and make a common index for shared folders ?