Échec de l'installation de Rainloop

Je n’arrive pas installer l’app Rainloop
(décidément je n’arrive à rien avec ma brique depuis la réinstall; snif)

voici https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/oyiqegetuj

merci de votre aide


naivement j’ai l’impression que c’est lié à la présence d’un } dans le mot de passe :s …

alors j’ai essayé avec plusieurs mots de passe, j’ai créé aussi un 2ème user (dans le doute pour le “ldap” à yes), mais c’est la même

message dans la web admin :

The operation ‘Install ‘rainloop’ application’ has failed! To get help, please provide the full log of this operation by clicking here
The SSOwat configuration has been generated
gpg: Rainloop: delete key failed: Not found
gpg: key “Rainloop” not found: Not found
The operation ‘Install ‘rainloop’ application’ has failed! To get help, please provide the full log of this operation by clicking here
rainloop install’s script has encountered an error. Installation was cancelled.
Primary key fingerprint: 3B79 7ECE 694F 3B7B 70F3 11A4 ED7C 49D9 87DA 4591
gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg: Good signature from "RainLoop " [unknown]
gpg: using RSA key ED7C49D987DA4591
gpg: Signature made Mon 25 Sep 2017 06:17:11 PM UTC
Packagers /!\ : ‘app checkurl’ is deprecated ! Please use the helper ‘ynh_webpath_register’ instead !
‘yunohost app checkurl’ is deprecated and will be removed in the future

A mon avis tu dois installer php-curl à l’aide de sudo apt install php-curl

Il y a une issue ouverte à ce sujet : https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/rainloop_ynh/issues/36

(et des PRs en cours qui peut-etre fix le probleme :s )

bonsoir @Aleks
php-curl ne change rien, toujours la même erreur (même après reboot)

Warning: 'yunohost app checkurl' is deprecated and will be removed in the future
Warning: Packagers /!\ : 'app checkurl' is deprecated ! Please use the helper 'ynh_webpath_register' instead !
Warning: gpg: Signature made Mon 25 Sep 2017 06:17:11 PM UTC
Warning: gpg:                using RSA key ED7C49D987DA4591
Warning: gpg: Good signature from "RainLoop <support@rainloop.net>" [unknown]
Warning: gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
Warning: gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Warning: Primary key fingerprint: 3B79 7ECE 694F 3B7B 70F3  11A4 ED7C 49D9 87DA 4591
Warning: !!
Warning:   rainloop install's script has encountered an error. Installation     was cancelled.
Warning: !!
Info: The operation 'Install 'rainloop' application' has failed! To get help,     please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost     log display 20190217-211647-app_install-rainloop --share'
Warning: gpg: key "Rainloop" not found: Not found
Warning: gpg: Rainloop: delete key failed: Not found
Success! The SSOwat configuration has been generated
Error: The operation 'Install 'rainloop' application' has failed! To get help,     please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost     log display 20190217-211647-app_install-rainloop --share'

J’ai capitulé :stuck_out_tongue: j’ai installé roundcube :wink: