Duniter package refactoring


Package managers went over Duniter package and refactored it.
Thanks for bringing the latest packaging standard.

But, some parts have been missed.
There used to be the 64 bits and ARM support.
The ARM has been dropped.
Do you know how can we specify in the app.src the support for two Debian packages platforms? I couldn’t find any documentation on the app.src.

cc @ericg, @yalh76.

Thanks for the help!

Hi @Moul

Differents archittectures can be managed using $YNH_ARCH like for syncthing_ynh/install at 6831f9b0ff28e5cf82d74d13f8b4fc7539a186e0 · YunoHost-Apps/syncthing_ynh · GitHub

I think @ericg drop other architectures because they weren’t available at v1.8.1 · nodes / typescript / duniter · GitLab

for arm and arm64, you prefer we let it at v1.8.0 ?

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Thanks for the info.
I hope there is no issues having different versions per achitecture in YunoHost handling of packages, since there is no v1.8.1 ARM package.

I created following MR:

Is there a maintained CI for ARM? I remember seeing one, but you had issues maintaining it.

There is no arm CI for now…

Considering that I have a raspi running 24/7 for that exact purpose, I would have loved to know if it was useless to let it plugged in.

Hi @Maniack_Crudelis,

I didn’t know when ci-arm was removed. I though you was informed of that, sorry …
So yes, you can unplug it

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I am having some issues to set up the permissions correctly.
After running these commands in the installation phase:

# Protect senstive sub-routes to Duniter web admin interface, give access to choosen admin
ynh_permission_create --permission "admin" --url "/webui" --additional_urls "/webmin" --allowed "$admin" --label "Administration" --show_tile=true

# Set BMA and WS2P APIs accessible to visitors
ynh_permission_create --permission="apis" --url="/" --auth_header=false --allowed="visitors" --show_tile=false --protected=true

I get in /etc/ssowat/conf.json:

        "duniter.admin": {
            "auth_header": true,
            "label": "Duniter (Administration)",
            "public": false,
            "show_tile": true,
            "uris": [
            "users": [
        "duniter.apis": {
            "auth_header": false,
            "label": "Duniter (apis)",
            "public": true,
            "show_tile": false,
            "uris": [
            "users": []
        "duniter.main": {
            "auth_header": true,
            "label": "Duniter",
            "public": false,
            "show_tile": true,
            "uris": [
            "users": [
                 [$accounts on my instance]

I need /webui and /webmin only accessible to the admin. This is working.
I need / and /ws2p path accessible to visitors. This is not working because, I suppose of duniter.main is taking over.
Do you know how can I circumvent this? Can I set main as public, and how?

Ok, I found. main permission is by default not public, setting it as public does what I want:

ynh_permission_update --permission "main" --add "visitors"
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