Domain change for Nextcloud

Dear Friends,

My YunoHost server libera

Hardware: hosted VPS
YunoHost version: (stable
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no

Issue: my server is no longer accessible using my domain name as the domain is blocked.

History: I registered the main domain with Njalla for anonymity. Worked fine until now, as France is blocking my domain due to some issues with Njalla. (info, best to use .is domains to avoid such things).

Hence, I changed the 2nd domain as the main domain in all apps and set the 2nd domain as the main domain under domains. This worked for all except nextcloud.

Problem: changing the access URL domain in the Nextcloud app shows an error: ./change_url: line 120: domain: unbound variable
If I didnt have files in Nextcloud I would delete the app and reinstall it, hence that is not an option.

any ideas?

Yes, there is a bug in that script that was identified and fixed:

Let’s wait for it to be merged. :wink:

I am very curious about that issue. What is actually blocked? Why icelandic TLDs would be better than laplandish ones? :sweat_smile:

all EU countries except Island enforce requests to block or redirect domains and identify its owners. Hence, if you check

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