Does Guacamol works with YunoHost 12 (Bookworm)? Est ce que Guacamole fonctionne avec YunoHost 12 (Bookworm)?

What type of hardware are you using: Virtual machine
What YunoHost version are you running: (stable)
What app is this about: Guacamole

Describe your issue

I would like to update my YunoHost from 11.3 to 12.0. I use Guacamole a lot and it seems te bo broken with this version since CI is in error.
Do you have feedback on Guacamole and Yunohost 12 ?
Thank you

Est ce que Guacamol foncionne avec YunoHost 12 ? Parce que je vois que l’integration continue est en erreur :
Qui utilise Guacamole avec YunoHost V12 ?

En vous remerciant.

Thank you for your help.

Share relevant logs or error messages

No log

I remember working at it here. It seemed to install, but there were 404 errors (althought the same install worked on Bullseye).

I don’t use this app but you may have a look if you use it so much? You can take over my branch or create a new one :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your feedback. So, I need to setup another YunoHost server to test, because I need Guacamole. Before my FAI need to repair my Internet access :sweat_smile:

Well, I’ve installed a dedicated VM under Debian 12 and Yunohost 12. I’ve installed Guacamole. The testing installation with the testing branch is OK but I am facing the 404 Error.
I will try to work on it but I am not a java developer. At most an IT admin… @Tho in your opinion, is it installation issue or development issue?

Thank you for your help. Guacamole is an amazing product with amazing performance, I am amazed that no one works on it.

(sorry for my very bad english, I am french… isn’t it an excuse :slight_smile: )

Me neither ^^

I don’t know, I’d have to investigate but my first guess is to

  • look if and where you can find the unfound files
  • check in the upstream docs if the nginx config needs to be updated or if some more dependencies are needed.

I’ve investigated the issue, the proposed solution of using Tomcat 10 on Debian 12 will not work as it ships Jakarta EE9 support rather than Jakarta/Java EE8 required by Guacamole.
I’m investigating using Jetty instead (as it ships backwards compatibility mode and I was able to sort of run Guacamole locally) but I promise no ETA.

EDIT: Proof is once you get logging to work (another issue) you get infamous ClassNotFoundException for javax.something, the namespace was changed to jakarta.something in Jakarta EE9.

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