Documents from Nextcloud don't open in Collabora anymore

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running:
What app is this about: Nextcloud and CollaboraOnline

Describe your issue

I have Nextcloud and CollaboraOnline on 2 separate subdomains on the same VPS. It used to work, then 2 days ago I din an upgrade from /yunohost/admin/#/update. There was one for CollaboraOnline and I thought it was weird because it said it would update from 22 to 24, although I already had 24 (just not the latest release). There was also an update for Nextcloud. Both updates were successful.
After the update, I can’t open documents while browsing Nextcloud anymore. It starts loading, then it says

Document loading failed
Failed to establish socket connection or socket connection closed unexpectedly. The reverse proxy might be misconfigured, please contact the administrator. For more info on proxy configuration please checkout Proxy settings — SDK documentation

I don’t know if I should mess with the reverse proxy configuration myself or leave it to YunoHost.

I went to /settings/admin/richdocuments on my Nextcloud host and there it says it’s ok:

Collabora Online server is reachable.

Does this happen to anyone else?

Share relevant logs or error messages

Check sudo journalctl -f if something is wrong

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Oh yes, it looks like there’s a crashloop of Collabora’s coolwsd. I haven’t tried using it in more than 10 hours but it’s still going on.
The following block is repeated identically many times a second:

Sep 22 07:02:28 mydomain coolwsd[607]: wsd-00607-01601 2024-09-22 07:02:28.302989 +0200 [ prisoner_poll ] ERR  #17: Read failed, have 0 buffered bytes (ECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer)| net/Socket.hpp:1156
Sep 22 07:02:28 mydomain coolwsd[607]: wsd-00607-01601 2024-09-22 07:02:28.303017 +0200 [ prisoner_poll ] WRN  #17: Unassociated Kit (3349340) disconnected unexpectedly| wsd/COOLWSD.cpp:3726
Sep 22 07:02:28 mydomain coolwsd[1602]: frk-01602-01602 2024-09-22 07:02:28.303114 +0200 [ forkit ] ERR  Couldn't create file: /opt/cool/child-roots/607-19754c08/U6KSrKff59m1a1ge/tmp/kit-crashed due to error: No such file or directory| kit/ForKit.cpp:300
Sep 22 07:02:28 mydomain coolwsd[1602]: frk-01602-01602 2024-09-22 07:02:28.303142 +0200 [ forkit ] WRN  No live Kits exist, and we are not terminating yet.| kit/ForKit.cpp:311
Sep 22 07:02:28 mydomain coolwsd[1602]: frk-01602-01602 2024-09-22 07:02:28.303155 +0200 [ forkit ] WRN  Successfully sent 'segfaultcount' message segfaultcount 1
Sep 22 07:02:28 mydomain coolwsd[1602]: | kit/ForKit.cpp:343
Sep 22 07:02:28 mydomain coolwsd[3349341]: kit-3349341-3349341 2024-09-22 07:02:28.309487 +0200 [ kit_spare_72af64 ] SIG   Fatal signal received: SIGSEGV code: 1 for address: 0x971
Sep 22 07:02:28 mydomain coolwsd[3349341]: Recent activity:
Sep 22 07:02:28 mydomain coolwsd[3349341]: Backtrace 3349341 - kit startup of d5ebff5:

I went to /yunohost/admin/#/services/coolwsd and restarted it, then the messages stopped.
By the way when I did it said:

Sep 22 07:08:41 systemd[1]: coolwsd.service: Consumed 23h 27min 51.011s CPU time.

However, when I try to open a file, it starts crashing again.

Could there be a link with the “mimetype” warning we recently received ?

I had the same issue.

So I choose the lazy way, I remove it and install OnlyOffice instead.
But I dislike OnlyOffice : it creates .docx by default in Nextcloud, the interface is less clear …
So I remove Only Office and reinstall Collabora, and it just works.

I’m not sure if in this procedure, the installation of OnlyOffice is needed :smiley:


PS : by installation, I mean the Yunohost application, the Nextcloud Module and the configuration of the module.

I don’t think so

The same happened to me with the same results. In my case it was a Intel NUC running the debian buster version of yunohost. I was also surprised to se the version jump, but installed nevertheless. I now also see everything fine in Nextcloud but documents are not loading, but try for a while

I see there’s also an open issue on the package integration repository:

As someone noted in a comment there, if we have this issue we probably also have too many logs now, so we may want to clean them up. My /var/log has 41G for example.

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