Docker Container, redirect?

Hello, I’m using YunoHost and I’m also in search of a ‘how-to-guide’ on installing additional applications using docker containers, preferably linking them to the YunoBoard-dashboard (through the Redirect-app, if I am correct?). I managed to install the Portainer-app on YunoBoard, I downloaded an application image (ex: metabase), and created a container using this downloaded image.

Now… I’m stuck :stuck_out_tongue: I have been looking around on different fora to find pointers on how to move forward, but no luck until now. Do you have a clue on how to make the app (metabase in this case) usable & integrate it in the YunoBoard dashboard? If this thread prooves succesfull at some point, we could make a short ‘DIY-HowTo’-guide for the YunoBoard-wiki maybe…