Hi all,
I’m trying to get “authenticated” access to LDAP (mainly to find out whether that helps in getting access to Dolibarr)
To get authenticated access (as opposed to anonymous / read only) it is necessary to know the name of the admin account, conveniently cn=admin according to /etc/ldap/slapd.ldif as well as according to the topics I can find about LDAP.
The password supposedly is the password entered for the admin user when installing Yunohost.
I don’t have the YNH-admin user anymore (removed it a while after upgrading to YNH 11), but I do still have the password in my password manager. Only, it is not accepted.
An earlier thread gives hints on changing the admin password for Yunohost
I am afraid things will break if I change the LDAP admin password ‘without informing other apps’ of the change.