DNS failure - Peer didn't know the key we used

I have searched the forum for similar issues


This category is for general issues regarding YunoHost, NOT apps.


This form is written in English :uk: but feel free to write in French :fr: if you’re more comfortable!


What type of hardware are you using

Old laptop or computer

What YunoHost version are you running

11.2.31 (stable)

How are you able to access your server

The webadmin
Direct access via physical keyboard/screen

Describe your issue

The DNS with yunohost fails. I tried multiple times, removed and added the domain multiple times. I even waited for more than ten hours (night) in hope it fixes itself.
Error log below.

Share relevant logs or error messages



i have the same problem.


seems like a key needs to be updated… but im not sure if we can do that?!

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I asked in the yunohost matrix chat and got ignored. Can you ask them maybe too?

I asked in the irc without a response. but i linked this thread there… maybe that helps

Exact same issue here!

I have exactly the same issue

And a new error mail every 10 minutes !

I think the private key and public key don’t match but i don’t know how i can change them.

On diagnostic i have that :

Certains enregistrements DNS sont manquants ou incorrects pour le domaine rlfp.ynh.fr (catégorie basic)

La configuration DNS de ce domaine devrait être automatiquement gérée par YunoHost. Si ce n'est pas le cas, vous pouvez essayer de forcer une mise à jour en utilisant yunohost dyndns update --force.
Cet enregistrement DNS ne semble pas correspondre à la configuration recommandée :
Type : AAAA
Nom : @
La valeur actuelle est : 2a01:e0a:5df:xxxx:xxxx:9d31:9a2b:34e5
La valeur attendue est : 2a01:e0a:5df:xxxx:xxxx:1eff:fed6:4bed

I try yunohost dyndns update --force but i have the error you can see in log share on top.

i just migrated to yunohost version bookworm via console…

but no luck…


Same, was hoping the upgrade might resolve this issue but no luck.

I’ve spend hours tinkering with my router settings trying to see if anything there might be contributing. If I go into my router settings and set up dynamic DNS with no-ip and then connect that domain to yunohost it works just fine. The issue being that in order to use yunohost I’d have to pay no-ip in order to do the DNS config needed to run yunohost. Currently not doing so great financially so not ideal.

Edit: Pretty obviously a configuration issue, but I’d kind of secretly hoped it was an issue with my ancient router.

yeah i think so too, that this is a configuration issue… some key needs to be updated.

I dont know how we get the attention of someone with the power to update the key. Or point us in the direction of a diffrent solution … after all we could be wrong :wink:

Maybe we post in the “Nohost domain recovery” Thread? That is checked pretty quick and regularly

Another idea was to install from the image… right now i ran the install script via bash after a fresh debian install… maybe the key in the yunohost iso is uptodate so the dns will update?

I installed YunoHost on a fresh debian because the YunoHost instal failed 5 times. Now it worked, but without ther dyndns service.
Maybe getting admins attention would help.

Thanks for reporting this issue.

I am trying to test it.

The problem has been identified, a solution is being implemented.


I have do nothing, but i havn’t any more the error.
The last mail with error time at 17h30 today.

I don’t know what you are doing but this is work.

Thank you very much

Indeed the problem should be fixed, thanks to a temporary fix. A better solution needs to be tested and will be applied when it will be ready.

Hi! I have the same problem, what can I do ?

My problem is similar to the one raised above. Is there a way to solve it?

Same here. Fresh installation on RPI4 and dyndns fails with exact the same error.

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New installation here, same error

Same error here since 10 days

Same, unfortunately: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ewodakeqep