DKIM key changed?

Hi there,

I use yunohost since 2016 for my email, and managed to have a 10/10 score on

However some day recently my DKIM signature failed (for a few days/months, didn’t notice the exact date) . When looking into the trouble, the DNS config in the “Diagnosis tool” mentionned a different key than the one I’ve been using at my registrar’s.

Were there a key rotation ? Did I miss a notification from my server ? I recently migrated using “backup+restore” but I don’t think it changed anything in the configs. Anyway, I fixed it by updating the key in my DNS zone.

Thanks for any insight you guys might have :smiley:

That’s probably related : the DKIM keys are currently not backup/restored (so new ones are implictily regenerated)

Owwww! Thanks for pointing this out :sweat_smile:

Time to update the doc then! Now, where would I have looked for it…

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