Discord alternative suggestions?


I want to ask you guys do you suggest any app that can behave like discord? People can talk, chat and share their screens in different rooms just like in slack/discord?

Mattermost seems to remove the public voice chat, you can only talk between individuals.

Rocketchat seems paid? I think? I couldn’t manage to do it.

Galene basically not installing due to an error like: “/usr/share/yunohost/helpers.v2.1.d/go: line 140: HOME: unbound variable
Unable to install galene: An error occurred inside the app installation script”

So I’m a bit stuck and seeking your advices in this matter. I would appriciate any suggestions.


I changed all the files of mattermost to a lower version: Mattermost Team Edition v9.11.6 Extended Support Release (ESR)

Except config folder.

Is it something correct and safe? Because now it is working, the calls and so on.


The commercial license prohibits reverse engineering and tampering with our license key mechanism unlocking paid features so that we can run a compliant and fair commercial business.

Matrix? once you did all the config for jitsi & coturn implementations. Matrix is exactly what you describing here.

I didn’t reverse engineer anything. I used another version like this just didn’t change the config file. You can literally download the files from their website. I’m asking if the method is wrong maybe there is another way.

Note: The call feature is removed v10+ so v9 etc it works that’s why I did it. I didn’t “reverse engineer” anything.

I will check matrix. I just remember that it requires a lot of resources. But I will give it a shot. Thanks!

Maybe the built-in XMPP tchat? I think with plugins you can have video/audio calls. It’s installed and configured by default in yunohost.

For Mattermost, I just have added a line in the file /etc/systemd/system/mattermost.service to accept calls in the channels. I saw this here

and calls works again with last version

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The best solution is revolt.chat but not supported on Yunohost

If you’re unable to install Galene, there are people offering open access to their Galene servers:

and probably others that I’m not aware of.

Of course, it would be better to self-host rather than relying on a third party’s service, and I second @anubis’s suggestion to file a bug at Issues · YunoHost-Apps/galene_ynh · GitHub.