Just wondering if there is a way to deploy a website build in vanilla HTML, CSS and JS which I version control on a Forgejo instance (this might not be relevant though)?
Asking this because I found out Forgejo doesn’t have a straightforward equivalent of GitHub Pages, so I was wondering if it would be easier done with Yunodhost.
It doesn’t integrate with git though so you’d have to manually git clone / git pull the repo from the command line … but oneday™ we may add a button to run a git pull from the webadmin directly
I host source code of static website on Github and I build and deploy it using Github Actions to my server running Yunohost and My WebApp app. Same can be done using Forgejo.
Faut-il quand même installer WebApp ? Pour ma part je souhaite juste installer le paquet Gitlab de yunohost sans installer WebApp est-ce que cela va fonctionner ?
En vous remerciant pour vos réponses.
Do I still need to install WebApp? For my part, I just want to install the Gitlab package from yunohost without installing WebApp. Will that work?
Thank you for your answers.
I have Simple Github Action workflow which builds website from source code hosted on Github and sends ready to use files via SCP (SSH) to my server.