What type of hardware are you using: Raspberry Pi 3, 4+
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.7
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform specific tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?: No
Describe your issue
I finally managed to get into my server and do the post install. However after running the diagnostic I got the “The server does not seem to be connected to the Internet at all!?”. I found this topic: Diagnostic shows no connectivity but connectivity appears normal
Where he has the same problem as me, however i don’t think my internet provider bloc ICMP, as in before i broke everything up it was working fine. I installed the VPN app, and when i try to set it up i got the error: no acces to debian.org. However if my provider suddenly bloc ICMP, how can i see it in the modem settings?
If you have some advice!
J ai réussi a atteindre mon serveur. Malheuresement quand je lance le diagnostic, je reçoi sl erreur comme quoi il n’a pas internet. Au premeir diagnostics il n’avait pas cet erreur (avant que je casse tout). Aussi en installant l application VPN et en essayant de la configurer avec le fichier .cube j 'obtiens l erreur : debian.org pas accessible. J ai aussi vu dans cette discussion :Diagnostic shows no connectivity but connectivity appears normal qu’il avait le meme probleme, cependant je ne pense pas que mon FAI bloque ICMP (tout marchait bien au début).
Si vous avez des conseils pour resoudre ce probleme, je susi preneur.
Share relevant logs or error messages
The VPN is down ! Here are errors logged in the last few minutes
PROTO: unlink local addr →
PROTO: unlink local addr →
PROTO: unlink local addr →
[INFO] ntp synchronization failed, falling back to curl method
[INFO] Checking if configuration is valid…
[INFO] Now actually starting OpenVPN client…
[INFO] OpenVPN client started … waiting for tun0 interface to show up
[ OK ] tun0 interface is up!
[INFO] Waiting for VPN client to be ready…
[INFO] Validating that VPN is up and the server is connected to internet…
[CRIT] The VPN is up but debian.org cannot be reached, indicating that something is probably misconfigured/blocked.
ynh-vpnclient.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
ynh-vpnclient.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
Failed to start ynh-vpnclient.service - YunoHost VPN Client…
ynh-vpnclient.service: Consumed 1.389s CPU time.