Debian Bookworm (12.x) has been released - YunoHost is not yet compatible

You will probably hear that Debian Bookworm / 12 has been released today June 10th.

YunoHost does NOT yet supports Debian Bookworm : moving YunoHost to a new Debian version is known to not be a trivial operation, because it’s needed to adapt and test the entire app ecosystem, as well as testing all YunoHost’s features and providing users on Bullseye with a smooth one-click migration.

Nevertheless, the transition to Bookworm is already being prepared since early this year. For people interested, progress can be tracked on the corresponding issue : Support Debian 12 "Bookworm" · Issue #2050 · YunoHost/issues · GitHub

For people wanting to install YunoHost, follow the current installation steps per our documentation: either use the images (Pre-installed images | Yunohost Documentation ) or install Debian 11 then use the installation script (Install YunoHost | Yunohost Documentation).