Custom web app sftp connection

i am new to filezilla thing so maybe there is a issue on my end

|Error:|Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)|
|Error:|Could not connect to server|

i usually use pcmanfm to connect over sftp and i cant get even that to work

Did you answer “no” during the install of yunohost about letting it manage your ssh configuration …?

that option dont show up during install those are the only option available


That’s not what I am talking about, I’m talking about the very initial installation of YunoHost

i dont remember that :expressionless:

Then if you are comfortable with the idea, try to :

yunohost service regen-conf ssh --force
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yunohost service regen-conf ssh --force
Success! The configuration has been updated for service 'ssh'
      status: force-updated
