Custom Tile Icons in SSO?

Not sure what the correct wording for this is…

Can we add custom tiles to the User screen?

I’ve installed these two apps with Docker and use the Redirect app to add them to Yunohost. I’d love to switch the icons here if possible.

I was also searching for this but gave up mid-way due to a lack of motivation.

All I can tell you right now is that the icons for all the apps are in the folder /usr/share/yunohost/applogos/*.png

You can find out which .png is being used by your app by looking at the relevant .json file for the domain that app is installed on in the conf file in the folder /etc/yunohost/portal

So for example, if you have nextcloud on the domain mydomain.tld → Look for the file mydomain.tld.json in the folder /etc/yunohost/portal.

You will find the app’s attributes, including “portal_logo” and the png filename for that logo, in that file.

Just replace that png file with a png of the logo of your choice.

got it.

i changed the location of the PNG in the json file.
then i downloaded the icons from this website.

thank you!


I’ve made some custom changes (text with descriptive apps in portal) in /etc/yunohost/portal/mydomain.tld.json but the modifications are erase when i install a new app or upgrade one.
How do you do to keep your modifications persistents?
Is there a mechanism like ssowat.conf.persistent to keep our custom modifications?

(As a side note, work is ongoing to have a proper mechanism for 12.1)