Crystal (from 1.12.0-1+1.2 to 1.13.0-1+2.1)

Hello dear people from Yunohost,

Unfortunately, this update does not work because the servers cannot be reached, you could take a look at this,

Thanks for your work.

You know that logs are required

Yes, I know that and I’m sorry but try to install the package manually?

Found a way out fiddling it.

it wasnt possible to install manually nor fix package/fix install for me.
just remove invidious and install the package again
Dont forget to export and save your invidious subsciptions files before this. like the .json and all.

(also weirdly this update made calibre-web unable to update somehow, but went fine after dealing with this)

Thanks for the help, will try to look for the Debian Server or for me.

I had the same problem but this isn’t the first time it’s happened and I remembered about this thread. I followed the same directions and it fixed crystal again :slight_smile:

Hope this helps others

Thanks, I already know this but the packages can no longer be installed. I have now reinstalled invidious now the problem is done but now Invidious is showing error and no longer works.

what error? any log about that?

THANKS for the help, the log files don’t say much, I only get a white image, in the TAB it just says Error.
The white image always appears when I click on a video that I want to play.

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