I have installed Archivist to make a local backup.
My Backup_list.conf : https://paste.yunohost.org/keqinoyiku.makefile
My cronfile archivist in folder cron.d:
*/5 * * * * root nice -n10 /opt/yunohost/archivist/archivist.sh | tee -a /var/log/archivist/archivist.log 2>&1
But: No backup is created. No logfile is present in var/log/archivist
In syslog there are several entries like:
Feb 2 17:46:01 domainname cron[1243]: (*system*archivist) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/cron.d/archivist)
What is going wrong?
Thanks for helping!