Could not open port via UPnP following Yunohost update / upgrade

What type of hardware are you using: Raspberry Pi 3, 4+
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.12
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin
Direct access via physical keyboard/screen

Describe your issue

Hello world.
I don’t know if I’m the only one, but every time I update or upgrade Yunohost (which I’ve been using for several months now), I can’t activate the UPNP on my instance.
I checked if the UPNP redirection was enabled on my box/router, if the ports were redirected from Yunohost and nothing.. I get the following error:

“Could not open port via UPnP”

with as description

“Firewall reloaded”
“Failed to find any UPnP device on the network”
“No UPnP device found”
“Firewall reloaded”

Have you ever encountered this case?
I would like to keep everything from my current instance because I spent a few hours on it to configure all my servers.

Do you have a suggestion for me or could you tell me what to do?

Thank you in advance

Note: I access my server from outside (from my work on my phone or other), in https. My certificate is still good for several more weeks

Share relevant logs or error messages

Erreur: “500”
Action: “PUT” /yunohost/api/firewall/upnp/enable

Message d’erreur :
Could not open port via UPnP

Pendant le traitement de l’action, le serveur a dit :

Firewall reloaded
Failed to find any UPnP device on the network
No UPnP device found
Firewall reloaded

Hmmokay but did UPnP ever worked for you ? Currently the trend about UPnP on our side is that 1) it’s not a well-maintained feature in the project and 2) we realized that, if it works, it’s actually more a bug rather than a feature : the fact that random devices on the local network may be able to ask the router to forward traffic for ports below 1024 is uuuh kind of a security issue in the first place soooo personally I’m kind of like “let’s stop trying to support that feature”

Thanks a lot Aleks for your answer.
In fact, UPnP used to be functional previously.
I could connect anyway to my yunohost instance (I’ve got nextcloud and other apps installed on it, and used to connect on it from outside).
It there a way to enable it again, or maybe in future yunohost version, uPNP will be replace or other ?