Could not find any user with that username or id

I am having a problem with Pixelfed. First of all, I did get some warnings during the install process:

However, since these were only warnings, and it ended with “Installation completed” I assume the installation worked (as well, the site is up and running).

Following the guide, the next step is to set up the admin user.

From the guide:

After being first registered, you need to execute the folloing command to promote first registered as admin


sudo php8.2 /var/www/pixelfed/artisan user:admin 1

and respond yes to the question Add admin privileges to this user?.

However, this is what happens when I try doing this:

root@yuno:~# sudo php8.2 /var/www/pixelfed/artisan user:admin 1
Could not find any user with that username or id.

Any suggestions on what to do here?

i found a way around this.

after reading this post i realised i had to create the first user myself. so, i created a user with username “master”.

i verified that the user existed:

root@yuno:~# sudo php8.2 /var/www/pixelfed/artisan user:show 1
User ID: 1
Username: master
Joined: 5 minutes ago
Status Count: 0

i tried running the admin command once more, still to no avail:

root@yuno:~# sudo php8.2 /var/www/pixelfed/artisan user:admin 1
Could not find any user with that username or id.

i tried using the username, instead of the id, with success:

root@yuno:~# sudo php8.2 /var/www/pixelfed/artisan user:admin master
Found username: master

 Add admin privileges to this user? (yes/no) [no]:
 > yes

Successfully changed permissions!
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