the following calendar will inform you of the next meetings, as soon as we have decided the date, usually during the previous meeting.
Our meetings will be on the usual Mumble server ( at 20:30 UTC+2 !
NB: You are welcome to join even if you’re not currently contributing and/or just want to discover and see how things works in the project.
Chers contributeurs de YunoHost,
le calendrier suivant vous informera des prochaines réunions, dès que nous en aurons fixé la date, généralement lors de la réunion précédente.
Nos réunions se tiendront sur le serveur Mumble habituel ( à 20h30 UTC+2 !
N.B. : Vous êtes les bienvenus même si vous ne contribuez pas actuellement et/ou si vous voulez juste découvrir et voir comment les choses fonctionnent dans le projet.
Technical stuff
For information about how to use that calendar, please have a look to its official topic
Here an example:
English meeting
[date=2019-04-02 time=20:30:00 timezone="Europe/Paris"]
The current topic is restricted in edition to moderators only to prevent a mess with the calendar ;).
nous aurons notre prochaine réunion en Français le mardi 21 mai 2019. Ce sera sur le serveur Mumble habituel ( à 20h30 UTC+2 ! 2019-05-21T18:30:00Z
NB : Vous êtes les bienvenus même si vous ne contribuez pas et/ou si vous voulez juste découvrir et voir comment les choses fonctionnent dans le projet.
I arbitrary decided the date of May 21th, feel free to discuss it if you want.
I also decided to translate the call in french as this meeting will be in french, and by the way to integrate the date for the calendar.
nous aurons notre prochaine réunion en Français le mardi 18 juin 2019. Ce sera sur le serveur Mumble habituel ( à 20h30 UTC+2 ! 2019-06-18T18:30:00Z
NB : Vous êtes les bienvenus même si vous ne contribuez pas et/ou si vous voulez juste découvrir et voir comment les choses fonctionnent dans le projet.
we will have our next meeting on Tuesday, August 6th, 2019. It will be on the usual Mumble server ( at 20h30 CEST ! 2019-08-06T18:30:00Z
NB: You are welcome to join even if you’re not currently contributing and/or just want to discover and see how things works in the project.
we will have our next meeting on Tuesday, August 20th, 2019 (sorry for the super late notice). It will be on the usual Mumble server ( at 20h30 CEST ! 2019-08-20T18:30:00Z
NB: You are welcome to join even if you’re not currently contributing and/or just want to discover and see how things works in the project.
we will have our next meeting on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019. It will be on the usual Mumble server ( at 20h30 CEST ! 2019-09-03T18:30:00Z
NB: You are welcome to join even if you’re not currently contributing and/or just want to discover and see how things works in the project.
N.B. : This is a special meeting where we will discussing many bureaucratic aspects … Namely :
Update of the Yunohost working groups
Special general assembly of the Support Self-Hosting association, which is relevant for the members of this association
Discussion about the project plan for NLnet : you are encouraged to discuss with the team (even prior to the meeting) what you think should be the most important milestones that should benefit from the grant. This is something that also strongly involves the Internet Cube project.
we will have our next meeting on Tuesday, September 17th, 2019. It will be on the usual Mumble server ( at 20h30 CEST ! 2019-09-17T18:30:00Z
NB: You are welcome to join even if you’re not currently contributing and/or just want to discover and see how things works in the project.
we will have our next meeting on Tuesday, October 1st, 2019. It will be on the usual Mumble server ( at 20h30 CEST ! 2019-10-01T18:30:00Z
NB: You are welcome to join even if you’re not currently contributing and/or just want to discover and see how things works in the project.