Confused about how to set up Dynamic DNS with Duck DNS

What type of hardware are you using: Old laptop or computer
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.10
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin
Direct access via physical keyboard/screen

Describe your issue

I’m following the Yunohost documentation to set up Dynamic DNS, however I failed and have some questions. My IP updates regularly, so the goal would be to use DuckDNS to update the IP connected to Yunohost.

For this, I chose DuckDNS. So far, I managed to set up DynDNS on my ISP box and it’s pointing to my duckdns subdomain. The problem arises when I try to connect DuckDNS to my domain registrar’s DNS records.

Using the help of AI, i managed to do the following:

  • Delete the existing A, AAAA records (not sure if this is good)
  • Created a CNAME record: @ CNAME 300

Now this is the point where I’m stuck, because I’m still not getting redirected to my SSO when I try to connect to mydomain.tld. And also, I had previously made several more CNAME values that correspond to some apps subdomains, for example: ntfy.mydomain.tld - not sure what to do with these or how to make these work using duck dns…

Any help is appreciated.

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Did you try, or subdomain. domains | Yunohost Documentation

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Perhaps as a last resort, I’d rather use my own domain if possible.

Update: waited a few hours and now I’m able to access all my apps via my domain. Which means dynamic dns is working (i think).

I don’t know how, honestly.

Running diagnosis still gives me DNS zone errors:

Should I leave it like this and call it a day? I just don’t want any security holes in my setup.


As far as DNS is concerned, the indications won’t cause a security risk.

Do you run mail through your Yunohost or externally (via Protonmail)? If you run the mailserver on Yunohost, you still have some work to do. If you run it via Protonmail as a SMTP relay, have a look at the help.

If you don’t want to run mail at all, you can turn sending/receiving mail on/off in the domain settings of your Yunohost.

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I use protonmail externally, so I don’t have it connected to Yunohost, which is fine for me. I was planning on doing SMTP, but it requires a business proton account, so I gave up.

Thanks for your suggestion, I’ll turn off mails in Yunohost.

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